Friday, August 21, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 22

Trust Me, and don't be afraid. I want you to view trials as exercises designed to develop your trust-muscles. You live in the midst of fierce spiritual battles, and fear is one of Satan's favorite weapons. When you start to feel afraid, affirm your trust in Me. Speak out loud, if circumstances permit. Resist the devil in My Name, and he will slink away from you. Refresh yourself in My holy Presence. Speak or sing praises to Me, and My Face will shine radiantly upon you.
     Remember that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Me. You have been judged NOT GUILTY for all eternity. Trust Me, and don't be afraid; for I am your Strength, Song, and Salvation

James 4:7
English Standard Version

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Romans 8:1-2
English Standard Version

1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
Isaiah 12:2
English Standard Version

“Behold, God is my salvation;
    I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation.”

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. ... Remember that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Me. You have been judged NOT GUILTY for all eternity. Trust Me, and don't be afraid; for I am your Strength, Song, and Salvation. ...Thank thank you thank you for judging me not guilty! Jesus I Trust in You!

    1. No condemnation. True confession, this song wrecked me at a memorial service yesterday: I'll be standing by you
      At first I could only hear how I had let down many that I love with my selfish choices. Then a voice reminded me that it's not about me, it's HE who will always be by my side. Thank you Jesus!

    2. Wow...what a treasure. Goosebumps with the holy spirit.Thank you Audra, I will share this song today with a dear friend in need.��

    3. WOW! Audra, I needed to hear this song. Forgive typos, as I am typing through tears. Luv to all JC Prayer Warriors, whatever you are g ou ing through.

  2. God I am afraid though I'm losing it please god help me.

    1. Dear fearful unknown, Aug,22 @ 9:13 try to focus outside of yourself. Put your thoughts and prayers to use on someone you feel has much less than you. The devil wants us worrying and focusing on ourselves. Just try it for a week. When you are centered on " yourself", he gains a foothold.

    2. Thank you forsharing this insight

    3. Great idea Linda...the focus should move away from ourselves and reach out to others! I will try that

    4. Awesome and timeless advice. Thanks Linda!

    5. Praying for you now unknown. May God wrap His mighty and loving arms around you.
      Thank you so much Linda for the very true reminder. Prayers that we get our minds off of ourselves and that we seek out others in more need than ourselves in loving and healing prayer
      Love you all JC family
      Prayers and blessings

    6. Amen! Another perfect reminder for me! Heavenly Father help me to Love others as much as you Love me. Especially the harder ones to Love help me be merciful as you have been so merciful to me, in Christ's name.

  3. unknown unknown
    I have prayed for you several times today! Prayers that you will get through this day trusting in Him! Then tomorrow will be a new day and we will tackle that day with new prayer to our loving Father! Peace.

  4. Oh Lord, what a joy and ultimate blessing it is to wake up to Your love, new mercy and grace that I dont even deserve. I thank You for life and ALL that I'm faced with. As trials come, I am reminded to trust You and not be afraid. Thank You for the Power in the word, the Blood and the name of JESUS that causes demons to flee. Thank You for being our Strength, Song and Salvation!
    Good morning JC family, do you know that the moon and the sun both patiently wait for their turns and each one has its chance to shine. So learning from nature, we must realize that things happen at the right time. My prayer for you this day is: The mercy of God will smile on you and cause all your long awaited glories to be handed over to you.You will come out of your present challenge and be celebrated. Those who stand as a dangerous threat to your life, your children, to your family, to your marriage, to your breakthrough, to your job, God will eliminate them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We are VICTORS, and not victims!

    Father, thank You that ALL the prayer requests and concerns are in Your capable hands. We TRUST YOU.

    Stay blessed family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for this beautiful prayer. I neeeed to hear this so desperately. God bless you! TL

    2. Thank you so much for this prayer post. Reading this will truly help me get started on the right foot and help guide me through this day.
      Jesus, I trust in you!
      Thank you and blessings to all of the JC Warriors! CO

    3. Be blessed Maplewood. Thank you for praying. I pray you will walk today in the light of His glory, for He is the Lamp unto your feet & the Light unto your path. Lord bless Maplewood today with your presence aside of her through the path you've chosen for her. Pour into her heart that unconditional love for her mother knowing that it pleases you. Bless your day🥰.

    4. Maplewood~ your posts are always so eloquent. Thank you for sharing in such a loving way.

    5. Beautiful and Inspiring and EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED!

    6. Maplewood--- Always love reading your posts. Wonderful uplift! An awesome JC WARRIOR! Always giving satan a BAD day---as it should be!

    7. Sweet Maplewood. Your words from last year were all my heart needed to hear! Amen dear Sister! Thank you always for bringing much light into my new day and into my grateful heart.

    8. That was powerful Maplewood. Looking forward to the dancing when I come out this challenge... actually I think I better start dancing because God is already bring victory

    9. Wow Maplewood that was an awesome prayer. I've been struggling with my prayer life lately. I pray often everyday usually but they don't seem to come to me as easily as they once did. No matter though I will continue to stay in conscious contact with my Lord and seek his face.

    10. Amen dear Maplewood! He is already fighting our battles for us. Got some challenging things going on but I already put them in the Hands of the Lord. The mercy of God will smile on me and my loved ones.

    11. I give everyone and everything to You Lord. Everyone and everything.

    12. I read this update this morning and it gave me so much encouragement.

    13. Dear Maplewood,

      2022 and your comments are spot on. Thank you!

      SC Anonymous

  5. Abundant blessings to my JC Family.
    For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

    1. My favorite, gets me through many trials!

    2. Love this scripture! Nothing more powerful than praying the Word!

    3. Thank you sassy mom for this reminder, God's promise in his word. Fear has been a constant companion in my life for over 40 years, since losing my mom as a child. Jesus, I trust in you has become my mantra but many days the fear/anxiety is fierce and I struggle. Praying for all my JC friends today.

    4. Just love those verses, Sassy Mom! They are timeless. Thanks for bringing them to me this morning.

    5. Thanks Sassy mom I love this verse because it reassures us Christians facing difficult situations today can take comfort in Jeremiah 29:11 knowing that it is not a promise to immediately rescue us from hardship or suffering, but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives and regardless of our current situation, He can work through it to prosper us and give us a hope and a future.

    6. Amen Min Ahadi! Our prayers may not be immediately answered. We must respect His timing and lean on our long suffering. If our requests are in His plan and will, He will be faithful. But He can turn our trials into blessings and our sorrowful tears into dancing.
      Seek Him with a sincere heart and He will always be found. He is but a prayer away. Jesus.

  6. Welcome back Maplewood!! So good to read your sweet prayers. Joining with all of you in prayer for deliverance (Zfuntastic), everyone of your pleas to Our Father, are mine. Loveconquersall - so glad everyone's home and that your little warrior is 'doing what babies do.' Prayers for your rest, your daughter's continued strength and that little baby grows strong and healthy. Listening to the rain and knowing I'll be in various stages of wetness today - ha ha. Giving it all to you, Father - you know our hearts, needs and desires. Resisting the devil....he WILL flee.

  7. ...and there is that verse again, Sassy Mom - such a favorite. <3 Thank you for that reminder.

  8. Good morning Lord and to my JC family. Yes Sassy mom I'm calling and seeking and praying; I miss my mom; miss saying that name. Your prayer Maplewood NJ is my prayer. Thank you Norah; my daughter is home and her two boys at home are so happy. Little warrior Jairo is being nurtured by Jesus and I trust that he will be home soon. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

  9. Zfuntastic~ when I read this, I immediately thought this was written for you! Every word. '...view trials as exercises designed to develop your trust-muscles'. You are physically and mentally compromised right now and 'You live in the midst of fierce spiritual battles, and fear is one of Satan's favorite weapons'. Stay strong. Give your fear to our Savior. Baby steps!
    I was on a retreat once where I learned that when I felt Satan trying to wedge his way in, to simply repeat over and over, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...". Say it as often and as long as you need to until fear passes and peace/calm set in. It works!
    Peace to all from Houston.

    1. Suzanne --- Great post! I do the same in many situations,I say the Wonder Working name of "Jesus" over and over. I also like to say "I speak the name of Jesus into this circumstance". I often say that several times. Yes, it works! There is a great peace with it. I thought about Zfuntastic and Keith's circumstances when I read Sarah's devotion today. I know we all get tired at times with the "exercises", but the Lord said to fight the good fight! And that is exactly what we will do! And we will lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ so they can fight the good fight! We are Happy, Happy JC WARRIORS!!!

    2. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's something about that name!

    3. Do not be overcome by evil; but overcome evil with good. Romans 22:21
      There is power in the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!

    4. Romans 12:21. Big fingers, small phone keyboard 😉

    5. Romans 10:13
      For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
      Isaiah 26:4
      Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

    6. Yes, JJ and JC Prayer Warriors,
      I know we all get tired at times with the "exercises", but the Lord said to fight the good fight! And that is exactly what we will do! And we will lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ so they can fight the good fight! WHY?? Becuse we are Happy, Happy to be JC WARRIORS!!!
      Keep Om Fighting THE GOOD FIGHT by Unspoken

    7. Amen Brie! More than conquerors are we! Happy to be a JC Warrior. I am on the Battlefield for my Lord. Love this song! Great beat too. Keep Fighting the Good Fight, the Good Fight, the Good Fight!

  10. Isaiah 40:8
    The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.”

    1. Amen and thanks dear Sassy Mom! Love that verse! The Word of God never changes and it is always perfect truth, life and light!

  11. Trust Me, and be brave and steadfast!
    Come to Me without mere speculation
    Have no fear, give Me your hand, My dear
    Trust in Me in all you do
    Have the faith I have in you
    Love will see us through
    If only you trust in Me
    Come to Me when things go wrong
    Cling to Me and I'll be strong
    We can get along
    As long as you trust in Me
    While there's a moon on high
    While there's a bird to fly
    While there's a you and I
    You can be sure I love you
    Stand beside Me all the while
    Face the future with a smile
    Trust in Me and
    I'll be worthy of you!

    1. Isaiah 12:2
      “Behold, God is my Salvation;
      I will trust, andI will not be afraid;
      for the Lord God is my Strength and my Song,
      and He has become my Salvation.”

    2. Beautiful food today dear Brie! Thank you. Trusting in Him who is my strength, my song and my salvation. One more good one.

      Evening and morning and at noon
      I will pray, and cry aloud,
      And He shall hear my voice. Psalm 55:17

    3. Thank you Brie . When we get to heaven I will be looking for the choir director Brie

  12. Be strong and take courage
    Do not fear or be dismayed
    For the Lord will go before you
    And His light will show the way
    Be strong and take courage
    Do not fear or be dismayed
    For the one who lives within you
    Will be strong in you today
    Why don' you give him all of your fears
    Why don't you let him wipe all of your tears
    He knows, He's been through pain before
    And He knows all that you've been looking for

    1. Amen! That blessed me so much. And comforted my soul. Be not afraid.

    2. One of my favorite's by Don Moen jw

    3. Awesome song. I love it when I am going through the day and a lovely song like this pops into my head , it helps praise God .

    4. Thanks for the Don Moen reference! I found quite a list of beautiful songs.
      He Will Make A Way

  13. You are so beautiful to me, can't You see. You're everything I hoped for, You're everything I need. You are so beautiful to me. Thank You Jesus. I love and adore You Lord. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. I love praising Our Father in song, "...for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” I can hear Him singing His Reply, You're Mine and we belong together!

    2. Amen! He loves to hear our voices lifted up in Praise! Every breath is a gift from Him. Let us use that breath to sing and give Him glory!

  14. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6)Thank You Father for blessing my Spiritual hunger with Your word.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom! He feeds us with a food that lasts forever and tastier than even a bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries. He knows what we need and fills us to perfect satisfaction!

  15. Dear Heavenly Father, Your Word reminds me that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This is the purest form of unconditional, undying, never-ending, never-failing love that came down to grant me mercy and salvation. And, because of this, I am free! Thank You for being my ‘Strength, Song and Salvation.’ Your grace is sufficient for me! And Like King David, I declare and claim Psalm 27 this morning, in Jesus' name.. Amen!

    PSALM 27:

    “The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
    2- When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.
    3- Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
    4- One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
    5- For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.
    6- Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.
    7- Hear my voice when I call, LORD; be merciful to me and answer me.
    8- My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, LORD, I will seek.
    9- Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.
    10- Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.
    11- Teach me your way, LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
    12- Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, spouting malicious accusations.
    13- I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
    14- Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”

    Dear Father, Whoever gives their heart, their soul, their life, their all to You would never be condemned. Thank You that we have a guaranteed place in Your heavenly Kingdom, where the streets are paved in gold and there is no pain and sorrow. There is no one to trust but You! Thank You, in Jesus' name. Amen!

    “It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God. That is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks dear and very sweet Maplewood!
      I love Psalm 27 and I loved your prayers. I printed your post out because I'm going away for 2 weeks with my husband to NJ on 8/31 and I want to have plenty of good spiritual food to snack on. You always lift me and fill me up! Much love!

    2. Jeanne: Have a wonderfully blessed trip with hubby and plenty of traveling grace and mercy.

    3. A year later I am thanking you dear Brie for wishing me a blessed trip. Last year it was a wonderful trip that I will never forget because we were together with our two grandsons. Now we have 3 and on September 1st we will have four little grandsons. Praying always for my sweet daughter in love, Mayra who is getting very close to bringing her second baby into the world. May God bless her with strength, joy and good health, and a beautiful healthy baby. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Thank You Lord for blessing Jeanne with these precious grandchildren. I join her in prayer for Mayra as she awaits yet another blessing straight from Your hands. Safety in delivery & healthy baby. In Jesus' name amen! Hallelujah!

    5. Thanks sweet Jan! Your prayer blessed me!
      Thank You Father for the new baby's smooth arrival and Mayra's quick recovery. Amen

  16. From "Aunt Connie" to Prayer Warriors.
    Thanks for the continuing prayers for my niece Helen. Such beautiful, uplifting prayers and reminders to all of us how wonderful and mighty and faithful is our God. As Jeanne said, God isn’t done working on her .. actually in all of us. Also, to Jan .. yes, God doesn’t sleep and is near all of us. Reading prayers strengthens me also.
    Blessings to all. Connie

    1. Just wanted to say I am so glad our prayers have made a difference in Helen's recovery. Although she has more miles to go, He is working hard to bring her back to good health. I'm also blessed our prayers have strengthened your Aunt Connie! She needs to feel that God's presence and our love are surrounding her and comforting her heart.

    2. Prayers continuing for dear Helen. God holds her in the palm of His hand. May Aunt Connie continue to feel His loving arms around her as we patiently wait for answers to our prayers according to His will.

      Peace to all from California

    3. Dear Sassy Mom, Still praying for dear Helen. Praying she has already seen God's faithfulness in her health and life.

  17. Good Morning and God Bless each of you. Thank you - each and every one of you for your prayers. They were definitely received with gladness. Thankful to hear that Aunt Connie is also seeing the result of our prayers, which continue along with all of the other requests on here - too many to name. I pray as I read and it always pleasantly surprises me when Our Father will bring one of your names to my mind. What a privilege to be able to pray for each other and even more of a privilege when we can post the results. Maplewood, thank you for breaking down the Truth of there being no condemnation to those who are in Christ.
    NJS, I too come from a long line of worriers and have been blessed since a young age with a relationship with Christ who sets us free of all that. I've noticed though that the older I get the harder I have to work (at times) to have that simplistic, childlike trust. Perhaps it is because of all we've seen. "Life" can get scary at times - especially in these unknown times with 24/7 reminders. That is when I find myself backing off the news, ignoring the differences and honing in on the similarities of Believing.
    Unknown, I pray for your family situation. God knows your heart and He will work out what seems impossible. As my big 6-5 approaches, I find myself refusing to be the 'fixer,' of all things. How silly of me to think I ever could. I've had several days away from my Casework and God has shown me ways to discern what I CAN and CANNOT do. Even my adult children have to find their way in many instances and the best thing I can do for them is to continue to pray.
    Blessings to each of you this day - enjoy ever minute and picture me CLEANING, GETTING RID of STUFF and lightening the physical load which threatens my peach.

    1. Always praying for you and your family dear Norah. I also am about your age and it is hard sometimes to lean on the spirit and not the flesh. I do tend to worry at first about a situation until I just say: JESUS! As soon as I do that, everything starts to get easier and things fall into place. We can't do everything ourselves but with His help we sure can get a lot done, like cleaning and getting rid of stuff. I sure can relate! Lots of love.

    2. Welcoming you to our 65s! I love the cleaning purge times with Jesus and worship music. Injoy!

    3. I'll pray for you; you pray for me. I too am 65 ..tend to worry and I too need to let my adult children find their own way by the grace of God and a mother's unceasing prayers. Lord Jesus have mercy on us.

    4. Norah we celebrate your wonderful age ! God has kept you strong all these years , what a beautiful blessing. I hope you enjoyed cleaning and praising God too!

    5. Happy almost 66 dear Norah. Age is just a number. It is a blessing to receive another year of life. I am always grateful for my years. Celebrating your strength and good health with my dear sister Min Ahadi. May God continue to heal, bless and guide you to every desire of your heart and to peace and fulfillment to His glory.

  18. Is anyone else having difficulty posting? It takes about 5 attempts these days - can't figure out what the problem is. If you've found a difference in posting - please share!

    1. I too often have difficulty to post. Sometimes it works when I refresh the page, sometimes it doesn't.. I really wonder what causes this problem..

      Blessings from France

    2. I've had trouble posting in the past and today. It seems sporadic, and it has no rhyme or reason for it. I'm posting from my phone, and I'm not sure if that's the reason why. Today, I tried posting several times, then I skipped the preview and hit "publish" instead. It worked! Hoping we can resolve this issue.

      Blessings from California

    3. Sometimes I have trouble posting too, but thankfully it's gotten much easier.

    4. I still have trouble posting but I just keep trying.

    5. I have been copying my post before publishing. If I lose the post, I just keep trying until it works. Sometimes it takes 4 or 5 times.

  19. Thank you dear prayer warriors! I bring you answered victorious prayer results! My daughter went to Mayo for her scan and the oncologist found that she had had significant shrinkage in ALL her cancer spots! We are so thankful to God and the pray-ers. She has a long road ahead , 4 more of the same chemo sessions and then continued treatment. She is 43 with 3 young children and is so encouraged. Her verse that she chose for her wedding was...”For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future”. Thanks so much for your continued prayers. I feel like I can breathe now.

    1. Glory to God for this Victory and Praise Report.
      Prayers are continuing.

    2. Such awesome news, Ellen! Praise God and his healing! When our children, young or adult, are suffering in anyway, I think we, as their parent, take on that hurt or illness tenfold. So glad you can take a deep breath now, Ellen!

    3. Halleluia! Thanking God, Ellen, for a great report! Amen! He is already healing your daughter because she trusts in Him and because He has great plans to prosper her and give her hope and a future with her 3 dear children! What a Good God we serve!

    4. Ellen --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in praise to our Miracle Working Lord for your awesome report on your daughter!!! I just plead the blood of Jesus over her and the whole family. I will continue prayers for her and I speak the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus into her circumstances!!! AMEN and AMEN

    5. Praise the Lord! Ellen, thank you for sharing your Victory report! Continued prayers for your daughter and family. God is a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness! He never stops working! Hallelujah! God holds your daughter in the palm of His hand. Praying for strength, peace and comfort while your daughter goes through her chemo treatments. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    6. Dear Ellen I feel your joy, your love for your beloved daughter. Jesus loves her more and is listening to our prayers; we will keep praying. Peace and love to you and yours.

    7. Praising the Lord with you Ellen. God has such amazing plans for you. Keep trusting Him

    8. Praying for continued recovery for your daughter ...may the doctors be amazed by God healing

    9. Waiting on the Lord dear Ellen, for that great report for your daughter.
      Amen Min! May the doctors be amazed by God's healing power.

    10. Yes- picturing you and your daughter, Ellen, living life to the fullest and rejoicing together today. ❤️

    11. One day at a time, in joy. Continuing prayers for your family 🙏

  20. Continuing to pray fir your daughter.may good news continue to be yours. God Bless.

  21. Father, please water all the seeds that are planted in Your name. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet! Well said and heartfelt. Have an awesome and bright day in His presence. He's sprinkling light along your path today so keep your pretty eyes open for them.

    2. Amen and amen! Thank you, dear sweet Janet, for confirmation! Thank you for being His vessel today. Your prayer blessed me, and I join in your prayer. May God's bright Light shine upon you today, take all your cares away and leave you with love, peace, joy and blessings upon blessings. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Amen Janet. Praying the seeds of faith that I have planted in my family will take root and flourish. May all our seeds bring forth good fruit and true faith in our loved ones. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Yes Jeanne, praying that the seeds planted in sister Loretta's children, Valery & Ryan have been watered ,& tended to by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    5. So grateful that God is watering all the seeds of faith. We are four years in a drought and still praising HIS name for victories and growth.

  22. I’m sending out a special thank you to those of you who were praying for our Christian school to open or not. It has been decided (for us) to close until the state decides it is safe to reopen. I told the staff yesterday and they were sad but understood. A letter was sent out last night to the enrolled families. God has comforted me with Jesus words of “Peace be with you”. The “with” you really stands out to me. Inside, within, God gives us His peace. It’s with me always, I just need to claim it ! Kind of like the rich man who perceives himself poor because he never withdraws his treasures from the bank. May you today draw on that Peace within you , the peace that passes all understanding.
    Learning to Trust

    1. Thanks for sharing His Answer. He will make all things right for the highest good of all concerned. I can sense your peace within, and in The Name of Jesus, I pray peace within for all staff and enrolled families as well as our JC Family of Prayer Warriors!

    2. When we are faced with a tough decision, and one that affects so many lives, it's best to hand it over to the Lord. Thankful that you received your answer, and praying that all involved feel the same peace you have described. God is good and faithful. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    3. Sorry you had to close your Christian school. I was praying for God's guidance. I think it is a good call. Don't want anyone getting sick. Life and education is a bit of a wilderness for us now. May His brilliant light continue to guide our way. Trust in Him with you. Amen.

    4. How is school one year later ? Kindly let us know how we can be praying for you , your staff , the children and the parents !

  23. ...exercises designed to develop your trust-muscles...
    I went online to apply for a residential parking permit because our City Hall is still closed due to covid. The website was very user unfriendly. After 2 hours of error messages with no solutions, I reread today's Devotion, and it finally dawned on me that Jesus was developing my trust muscle. I called on Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, and shortly thereafter, the application went through. While things were developing, I guess my Personal Trainer thought He might as well develop my patience muscle too, since the two seem to be interdependent? Hope I'm done with exercising for today. That workout wore me out. Thank You for Your help sweet Jesus. Now may I be excused from the gym please? Amen

    1. are a ray of sunshine always making me smile with your song and praises. Jesus Jesus Jesus..thank you.

    2. You always make me smile too Brie! Thank you for your free and childlike spirit. Trusting in my Personal Trainer to strengthen every weakness in my mind, body and spirit. Hope you got some rest after that hard workout!

    3. Loved the workout routine: permission slip granted for one year later!

    4. I missed the workout story last year. But I can still appreciate it today. Soaking Jesus Jesus Jesus into our lives and atmosphere today. ❤️

    5. SONday, a day of rest. Take the day off from the gym and be blessed, one and all.

  24. Wow ! God will use any opportunity to develop us further ! Thanks Brie for reminding us that God is the potter and we are clay, through challenges mat we be molded into who God wants us to be !

    1. Looking forward to seeing how God will mold this weary lump of clay. Going to sleep so He can refresh, renew and revive me. Please pray that my front door that is jammed shut will somehow get opened so I can sing the 9:30 Mass.
      Please also pray for traveling safety for my niece and her boyfriend driving in from Philadephia tomorrow. We are scheduled to have quite a bit of rain and a hurricane in our area. Thanks for your sincere prayers. Trusting in the Lord and laying the heavy stones at His feet.

  25. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:2-3,12).

    Father, thank You for the trials You bring into my life. Thank You for all the lessons I need to learn in order to grow and thank You for always being with me through them all. I am so grateful to You for everything. Please help me to see things not as "tasks to do", but as "life to be lived". I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Janet - Thank you for encouraging and blessing our lives with your anointed prayers. Praying for you as you pray for me. "God is in control and you just can't beat it." RDS. My deceased husband's favorite expression. Thank You Jesus.

  26. Thank you dear Janet for sweet food for my soul. The trials of our lives polish us so we will shine brightly for the Lord even through the storms. Joining in your perfect prayer of gratitude and Praise. Amen and Amen! Thank You Jesus

  27. Almighty Father, It’s a new day to give thanks and to put You in remembrance of Your Words. This means that You want me to remind You of what You've said, not because You forget, but because You want us to remember what You promised and stand on it. It is an act of faith when we put You in remembrance of Your promises. Because of Your love and promises, I am confident that whenever I find myself in a difficult situation or in trying times, I must trust You and put You in remembrance of Your Word and Your promise. In Your graciousness and mercy, You have made many, many promises to us for every situation that we will and can possibly face. May the secret of David’s success which was his ability to trust and obey You, be mine today and always.
    Trusting In You Means Looking Beyond What I can See To What You See, so I thank You and exalt Your Holy name.
    I TRUST YOU LORD and when the storm comes, help me to remember this declaration, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

    “The fear of man lays a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe.” (Proverbs 29:25).

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

    “Delight yourself in the LORD,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.” (Psalm 37:4-5).

    Behold, God is my salvation;I will trust, and will not be afraid;for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” (Isaiah 12:2).

    “And those who know your name put
    their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken
    those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:10).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

      And when you do, then trust GOD. Refresh yourself in His Holy Presence, remembering that there is freedom for those who belong to GOD.
      You have been judged INNOCENT for all eternity.
      Trust ME...
      Trusting In You Means Looking Beyond What I can See To What You See in me and others. Thanks for the re-affirmation, our dear sweet sweet sister friend in Christ Jesus from Maplewood NJ.

    2. Amen and thanks Maplewood! Trusting In You Means Looking Beyond What I can See To What You See, so I thank You and exalt Your Holy name. Thank You Father for helping us to see things and ourselves through YOUR Eyes. My delight is in the Lord.
      Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. His Word is our light and lamp. Trusting Him beyond what I can see. He will light my path before me.

  28. 1
    I know not why God’s wondrous grace
    To me He hath made known,
    Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love
    Redeemed me for His own.
    But “I know Whom I have believed
    And am persuaded that He is able
    To keep that which I’ve committed
    Unto Him against that day.”
    I know not how this saving faith
    To me He did impart,
    Nor how believing in His word
    Wrought peace within my heart.
    I know not how the Spirit moves,
    Convincing men of sin,
    Revealing Jesus through the Word,
    Creating faith in Him.
    I know not what of good or ill
    May be reserved for me,
    Of weary ways or golden days,
    Before His face I see.
    I know not when my Lord may come,
    At night or noon-day fair,
    Nor if I’ll walk the vale with Him,
    Or “meet Him in the air.”

    1. Thanks Min Ahadi
      I Love that sweet song too. ❤️

    2. Beautiful and sweet, thank you!

    3. Love those beautiful lyrics. Thanks Min Ahadi!

    4. Just listened to that sweet song! Thanks for sharing another pretty one.

  29. Min Ahadi - “I know Whom I have believed, And am persuaded that He is able To keep that which I’ve committed Unto Him against that day.” AMEN!

  30. Amen to that!
    Just wanted to thank you for your sincere prayers. God made a way this morning and sent an angel, Juan, who was able to get our door open. I got to Church in time to sing the first song, Come, Christians, Join to Sing. Halleluia!

    1. While praying, I sensed God opening doors for His Angel.
      He said He opens doors no one can close! Love you!

  31. Thanks Brie! I sure do appreciate your prayers. Blessed God opened another door. Praying He is opening doors for all my sisters and brothers here. Thank You dear Lord and Savior!

  32. Thank You, Lord, for my wonderful salvation. Praise the Lord O my soul, for You are a great and mighty God. As I go into the world today as Your representative, give me increased boldness to speak the name of Jesus. May my life reflect Your grace and goodness, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen

    1. Wonderful prayer to start off this day God has given us.

      SC Anonymous

    2. It IS a great prayer to take into this Monday morning! Thank you, Anonymous.

    3. Joining you in your prayer dear Anonymous, thank you for sharing it with us💞🙏

    4. Thank you dear Anonymous. You blessed my day with your wonderful prayer. Gathering into it! Amen and Amen!

  33. "Trust Me, and don't be afraid."
    I may have mentioned previously how God dealt with me concerning fear, however I believe it's worth repeating briefly, for fear can paralyze. It's hard to escape when in its strong grip.
    My son, about 18 or 19 years old while studying Sociology was flown for a month to the border of Zimbabwe and South Africa somewhere along the Limpopo river. Being rural areas in the extreme his assignment was to collect data from several villages; water, electricity, medical needs being the priorities among the other needs; roads, transport, crops etc.
    Naturally as parents together with family and church covered him in constant prayer.
    Unreasonably for me, I started to fear for his safety ( danger from hostile peolpe, crocs, hippo's, sleeping in a small tent at night etc, was very real).
    It started as small pangs 'what if..?' followed by ' Oh Lord, please protect him'.
    Over a short time the pangs got stronger and stronger becoming like a strong shock when they hit, paralyzing me. One day working far away near our home town , I needed to attend a technical meeting the other side of the motor manufacturing plant from where my office was. During the long walk I was suddenly hit by a fearful panic attack. I couldn't think, couldn't walk. Wave after wave of fear hit me. Rooted to the spot, I felt like a deer in the headlights. After a moment or two, I thought ' this isn't like me, this must be a spiritual attack'. There and then I prayed, " Lord Jesus I fully committed Andrew to you, You are Lord of his life and I trust You to care for him in everything. This fear is unreasonable, I ask you to release me from it as I fully trust You in all things, no matter what". I then visualized Andrew in my hands, holding my hands forward and putting him into the Lord's hands.
    The fear instantly went, like switching a light on. I was at peace and able to attend the meeting with clarity of thought.
    If anyone reading this similarly gets fear attacks, I can recommend doing as I did. God Will take the fear away.
    It is not your fear, fear is put on you and is a tool of the enemy of your soul.
    2 Timothy 1:7 " For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

    1. Dear brother, I can so relate. I do believe that one of the nuggets in 2 Timothy 1:7 is the "sound mind". The fierce battle of fear ignites in the mind. My thoughts can carry me to cavernous areas filled with muck & mire. It's like quicksand, I get stuck there & it's only when I realize that I have been given "power" to get unstuck with the "love" of my Savior gently pulling me out. Hallelujah!

    2. Dear Peter! Thank you for pouring out your heart to us. We’ve all been frozen in our tracks by fear and Fear is not from God. When this happens, praying to Him for help in the Name of Jesus will bring His peace back and to us in any situation no matter the circumstances. He is Sovereign and above all. He can disperse fear and give us the confidence we need to move forward.
      Amen dear Jan! Well said! The love of Jesus can always free us from the quicksand of fear! He’s just a prayer away.

  34. Thank you dear warriors for the prayers that went up for my granddaughter Lexie. She's recovering nicely from covid. Her birthday was celebrated from a distance, she's in good spirit through it all. Dear Jeanne, I was truly blessed by your post yesterday. In breaking down the significance of each fruit in our spiritual life & walk, I felt a fresh anointing. Continuing to pray for your sister Janet. Blessings on your day dear one.💞🙏

  35. Thank you dear Jan! I love the fruit of the Spirit! Wonderful gifts from our loving Father. I’m so grateful Lexie is recovering well. God is so faithful and kind. Thanks also for your prayers for Janet. Praying the Cardiologist will call her soon and see her. Have a blessed day. May we all remain in His presence and peace through this new day.

  36. Dear Ones, I confess, I haven't read all of your posts today. The ones, I was blessed with. Praying for all of you, as you do me. I have tomorrow off work, for my Birthday. Planning on spending the day with my Best Man, coffee with my sister, hoping t see family tomorrow night. I'm tired. My Best Man is relentless in his faith. Why him and not me? He's done everything right; I throw caution to the wind. Dear God, give me the strength to be my best for him. I love and pray for all of you. 'Nite - God is on the Night Watch.

  37. Happy almost Birthday Norah! Hope you have a nice relaxing day tomorrow. Praying for some extra special Birthday blessings for you. May God also heal your Best Man. God can do all things and I believe nothing is impossible for Him. Hallelujah!

  38. Trust Me, and don't be afraid; for I am your Strength, Song, and Salvation. More Prayers for my brother Keith, please. August was supposed fo be a respite month for all of us. He went into a respite facility. Within a week he had a bad case of COVID. He is now out of isolation, but heavily congested. I'm asking for prayers to clear his lungs and more prayers that he is spared from pneumonia.
    Lord, keep us walking the path You have chosen, even when we don't know where the path is, nor whether or not we are really on it.
    My faith in God is propping up my achy breaky heart for my brother. Thank you for all of your prayers!

    1. Praying strong prayers for Keith. Hoping for no pneumonia on top of Covid. 🙏


    2. I'm praying Brie, I'm praying. All of my hope is in Jesus, who changes everything.

    3. Joining in prayers for Keith. May our heavenly Father touch him and remove all the congestion within him and may He make his body whole again. Lord, please take away his pain and suffering and make him well. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    4. Covid is starting again it appears. Am praying that any variant now is truly no more than a cold or light case of the flu. Peace. Amen.

    5. Continuing to pray for dear Keith’s healing! Joining all prayers that God is removing all phlegm and Covid symptoms from his body, and pumping him with renewed strength, and covering him with healing comfort, and giving him rest, contentment and joy, and giving Brie, Larry, and Al peace of mind.
      Thank You Father for all this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    6. Praying for Keith as Covid rears its ugliness again. Hopefully, this is a lesser variant.

    7. We're praying for your brother, Keith, Dear Brie. My DH and I life the many prayer requests and all of our loved ones (YOU!) every morning and as I go to sleep at night. God Bless you and I pray he renews your strength (& Larry's), as you all band together in faith. I love you, dear Sister! <3

  39. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:17). Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37). The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned. (Psalm 34:22).

  40. Dear prayer warriors! Thanks to God for each one of you and as we unite together in prayer, God’s blessings flow through to us and ours. Each of your posts is so helpful to me, in different ways. Fear is something I have to deal with, usually about health issues. I trust God, but somehow feel that my “worry” is still needed. An update on us: Our daughter and family escaped the fire in Lahaina, Maui where they were to spend their vacation last week. They landed as the fire was building but were able to evacuate to Oahu. Praise God. We pray for those who have lost their people.
    My dear husband dan is having open heart surgery at Mayo on Sept 12. This is the 7th surgery that our family has had in the past 3 years. I trust our doctors, and I trust this mitral valve repair will make him better and stronger. Will you please join me in prayer for peace for us and a great outcome at Mayo. I need to trust God, and I do trust Him, but I have far more anxiety than I want to have. Thank you so much for joining me in prayer. Our whole family needs a hedge of protection. My grandson had tonsils out yesterday, and granddaughter will have shoulder surgical repair on thurs. My daughter goes back to teaching, and they just got a new puppy. They are living life to the full. My daughter had radiation this summer on several lymph nodes and goes for a scan sept 12. We claim her complete healing and thank God for that. Thank you so much!

    1. You can count on our prayers, Ellen. You and yours are always in them. I plan to target Sept 12 prayers towards peace and a great outcome at Mayo for Dan, increased trust in a Good Good Heavenly Father God, and satan fleeing as far from you as east is from west, and taking its anxiety with it.
      This is not your business satan. Get out. You are not welcome here. Its between Ellen, JC Prayer Warriors and GOD! Remember, we are The Storm. If you hang around anyway, all you will hear here is us thanking and praising Jesus, loudly and proudly! Thank you Jesus for Your successful outcomes and the evidence of ALL Your Goodness throughout our lives. Thank You Jesus! THANK YOU JESUS! T H A N K Y O U J E S U S ! In Your Name we pray, praise, and thank. AMEN!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. When you start to feel anxiety, affirm your trust in Me. Speak or Sing out loud, whenever circumstances permit. HUM if you have to but resist the devil in My Name, JESUS! and he will slink away from you. Refresh yourself in My holy Presence by Speaking or singing or humming praises to Me. My Face will shine radiantly upon you.
      May I offer you a Hummer, today?
      EVIDENCE by Josh Baldwin

    4. Had mitral valve repair 6 years ago. Done with DaVincci robotic. Mayo does that I know but are they doing thru the leg only or traditional? He will feel so much better. And it is now pretty routine surgery. Prayers that he is out of ICU quickly and up and walking right away. Walk walk walk! Peace. Amen

    5. Ellen, you and your family will be in my prayers. I have found great comfort and strength in this verse, "Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."

    6. Dear Ellen! Praying for a smooth and successful heart surgery for your dear DH on September 12th, and also a perfect shoulder surgery for your dear granddaughter on Thursday. May God also continue to bless and heal your daughter and grant her clean scans on September 12th. Leaning on His faithfulness in your family’s health. Praying with you fo the people of Maui. They’ve been through so much. God is there for them. May He continue to protect, provide, bless, comfort, guide, heal and encouragement them in this terrible trial. May He also rid you of all anxiety dear sister.
      Father God, We thank you for hearing and answering our prayers and also for healing and strengthening all of us and our loved ones in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

      Psalm 9:9-10
      “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
      a stronghold in times of trouble.
      And those who know your name put their trust in you,
      for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

      Psalm 18:6
      “In my distress I called upon the LORD;
      to my God I cried for help.
      From his temple he heard my voice,
      and my cry to him reached his ears.”

      Psalm 50:15
      “and call upon me in the day of trouble;
      I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

      Psalm 55:22
      “Cast your burden on the LORD,
      and he will sustain you;
      he will never permit
      the righteous to be moved.”

    7. Ellen~ you and your entire family along with all the medical professionals working with your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. You have a lot on your plate, but you can do this with HIS guidance. You got this. Give you anxiety to Him. Give your fears to Him. Prayers of peace to you, sister in Christ.

    8. Praying with you and all of this wonderful JC Family, Dear Ellen! That your family will be blessed with restored health and great reports. Love you so much.

    9. Dear Ellen, We’re all praying for you and your dear ones. Praying your good husband’s heart surgery will go well on 9/12 and like dear MadFox said from experience, he will feel much better. And on the same day we are thanking God for your daughter’s good report. Give all your worries to the Lord and rest well. God is on the Night Watch and all is in His able Hands. Thank You Jesus.

    10. Dear friends, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate these words of encouragement and GIFTS of prayers. I should know that God would provide this when I needed it, through you all. I trust that Dan’s surgery will go well, even though it is open heart. He is strong and will heal well. And that my grand daughters shoulder surgery will be successful…and my daughters scans will be CLEAR! And I will praise God when I have anxious thoughts….He is showing me His love through you!

  41. To be loved by GOD is the most wonderful job on earth! Even in the midst of trying times I am reminded of two things, there are many worse off than me and because I woke up this morning I am already blessed. I love reading post from years past as reminders IF he did it then HE'LL do it again. My sorrow turned to joy unspeakable after reading all the comments. I thank GOD daily for my JC family!


    God's Daughter

    1. Believing with you, Dear God's Daughter! Yes - He WILL do it again! <3

    2. Amen, dear God’s Daughter! We trust that His Faithfulness will continue to shine in our lives. He is all powerful, unchanging and He loves us so much.

  42. Good morning dear family🥰. Needing prayers once again. DH & #1 son are headed for Duke University this morning for brain testing for DH. When it rains! Please pray for safe travels. Blessings to you all❤️🙌

    1. Lifting you and your family up. Praying for safe travels and positive results.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Dear Jan, May God grant your dear husband and son safe travels and peace of mind and your DH good test results. May He answer all your prayers and ours. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    3. Praying for you and your Dear Hub, sweet Jan Gridley! May God rain BLESSINGS on both of you! In my prayers, dear sister!

    4. Joining in prayers for your husband and son, Jan. May our heavenly Father grant traveling mercies for them and bring about a good report from the testing. May all of you be comforted and may grace abound. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

  43. Lord, I am tired. My cup is running over with all the trials. I feel like I am drowning. The JC post today hit me right between the eyes as a wake up call. God, I know trials are used to bring us closer to you. I know they are to strengthen our faith. Lord, I know you walk with us and often carry us when we cannot walk anymore. Lord, I feel like I’m drowning in trials and spiritual battles in the last 5 months. Some I have shared here and some I have not, but you know them. Lord I miss my kids at college. I’m scared for my husband. I’m scared for the mammogram call back I received today. I’m just scared. But I know that fear is from satan not You. Lord thank you for the trials. Please help me to keep thanking you so I won’t focus on the fear - I can’t do both at same time. Please walk with me and strengthen me to get through them. Please be with my family and protect them. Please give me a feeling of peace and protection as we continue to navigate the next several months.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Joining in prayer for you and your family SC. May you be strengthened and comforted. May the LORD be gracious to you and bless you and keep you and give you His perfect peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless you!

  44. Let us continue to trust that our God is already working on our problems and answering our prayers. Wait on the Lord. He cares for us. His Word is True. His Promises are Reliable. He Loves us and is with us always. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalms 9:10
    And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Thank you for your encouraging words! Peace to you!

  45. Deep Breath with God, Dear SC. As our Bob shared so long ago: breath in, 'The Lord is my Shepherd,' breath out, 'I shall not want...' Praying for your mammogram results and for both of your sons. God has this, just like he has all of us. As our Dear Brie would say, "May that test be B9!"
    Love and prayers for all of you Dear JC Family and all of us and all of ours. My DH walked out of the hospital today, on his own (once again refused a wheelchair which would have made ME more comfortable!)...selfishly because I could've walked faster. God was good and slooowweed me down. Deep Breath, Norah!
    Again - love and God's Best to all of you precious Believers in Christ. Praying that the Lord lets me live long enough to tell all of my Loved Ones how much they mean to me. As a deer pants for water....<3

    1. Great news Norah 👏! May our heavenly Father give you peace and strength! God bless 🙏.

  46. Wrong post! I'm looking for the song, "As a Deer Pants For water..." but my favorite version isn't coming up. This is the best I could find, but still now my fav!,vid:FBppKZ0eJlQ,st:0

  47. JC Warriors, as some of you know, I've been struggling with a smoking addiction for quite some time now and I can't even get my mindset right to have the desire to really want to give it up. Please pray for me. I really appreciate it and I thank God for each and every one of you. I believe that the Lord will break this "chain of addiction" off of me in His perfect way and timing and all for His glory 🙏. God bless and peace be with you!

    1. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8). For our heart rejoices in Him, because we trust in His holy name. (Psalm 33:21).

    2. Lord Jesus please take away this desire of smoking from Janet, heal her from this addiction we pray in Your Holy Name, Amen 🙏

  48. What a blessed Word for today; there's so much we could be afraid of if we had a mind to. The stronger our 'trust muscles' the greater our confidence and joy in the God of our salvation. Have a blessed day everyone 🙏

  49. Yes dear Jeanne, if we could just give SC a great big hug. SC Jesus is there to give you that hug. Feel Him in the depths of your fear, grab a tight hold of Him & be comforted. We cannot control or add a day to our existence so why do we fear. God understands how hard it is for us to let go & let Him. May peace be yours today dear sister.❤️🙏🙏🙌
