Thursday, August 6, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 7

Understanding will never bring you Peace. That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in your understanding. Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out, in order to gain a sense of mastery over their lives. But the world presents you with an endless series of problems. As soon as you master one set, another pops up to challenge you. The relief you had anticipated is short-lived. Soon your mind is gearing up again; searching for understanding (mastery), instead of seeking Me (your Master).
     The wisest of all men, Solomon, could never think his way through to Peace. His vast understanding resulted in feelings of futility, rather than in fulfillment. Finally, he lost his way and succumbed to the will of his wives by worshiping idols.
     My Peace is not an elusive goal, hidden at the center of some complicated maze. Actually, you are always enveloped in Peace, which is inherent in My Presence. As you look to Me, you gain awareness of this precious Peace.

Proverbs 3:5-6
English Standard Version

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.

Romans 5:1
English Standard Version  

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 
English Standard Version 

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

My Prayer
Lord, you remind me that having peace means having You. You are the reason I have peace. It's not through my own doing but rather through surrendering. I tend to be about wanting control and wanting understanding. I think safety is found in these things and what I can hold onto. Train me Lord to trust in You, as I make decisions, as I make choices, as I navigate life. Through those decisions I want to acknowledge You and believe that You are capable of making my paths straight. In Christ alone. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing these words, I truly appreciate your blog!

    1. Thank you Chris for sharing this scripture.

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      and do not lean on your own understanding.
      6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
      and he will make straight your paths.

    2. That may be my very favorite verse. I really love it so much.

    3. Amen, so grateful for the gift of peace that I need to open daily.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these words, I truly appreciate your blog! I stumbled upon it earlier this week and it's been exactly what I needed to calm my nerves! Blessings Always����

    1. You are quite welcome. Thank you for the kind words. Grace and peace to you.

    2. Trusting in the Lord always brings peace.

  3. The play on words reinforces the great verse from Proverbs. Indeed, the world has played with my mind giving me the notion that I can gain mastery through understanding. True understanding or better said, enlightenment, only comes through trusting the Master. May the Spirit unleash my mind from the past so I may continue the journey with a much greater perspective.

    1. May the Spirit unleash my mind from the past so I may continue the journey with a much greater perspective

    2. I have always been trying to figure things out. My brother died 8 months ago. I had a lot of questions about this world and he always told me there is good and evil. It's pretty simple you just have to be on the right side. I love you brother.

  4. God I trust but I'm so ready for this world to end so there could be peace and happiness. I trust god but that isn't helping me at all I know I'm not perfect but I'm a good person but my world is falling apart.

    1. Romans 8:18, keep trusting God & read the devotional from yesterday & 2 days ago. Keep praying in thankfulness knowing God will come through for you, it is through these times he develops our character, you’ll be in my prayers

    2. Thank you and yes I read them every day it helps me feel a little better seens I started reading

    3. I’m curious... How are you doing now, 2 years later?

  5. In my mind, everything is connected and even the smallest decision of the day can have an effect on the whole of your life. I struggle to put into words the thoughts I am wanting to convey... Knowing that the knowledge we gain in this life is useless in Heaven was difficult for me to reconcile in my heart, at first. However, when God gave me a glimpse of His glory, it became clear that our only responsibility is to love, and never asking why, ever again!

  6. Unknown unknown, 1 year later, may you continue to find peace through this JC prayer group. I, too, have found peace and trust, after tragedy. Reading and meditating here every day has helped me. Say these words, Jesus I trust in You. I am praying for you in my humble way. Your being here is your form of prayer and trust, and you will be heard. Thank you, to all of you - JC prayer group - for inspiring me to keep trusting, and to keep my focus. It is a sad time in our Nation, and today, my heart is sad. "Divine Jesus, I know you love me and will never leave me. I thank you for your close presence in my life."

  7. I thank you all for inspiring me to keep reading this prayer blog!

  8. I do not understand so many things, yet seek to understand more fully from secular and religious sources! And then like Solomon have "feelings of futility." For example: God is 3 in 1, and I accept that it seems logical yet at the same time it makes no sense at all. Thus my frustration in not understanding fully, disrupts my ability to be at peace, Substitute this example with: wayward children, untimely deaths, financial struggles, addiction etc.

    Thus Sarah's beautiful writing captures how to be at peace: Accept it! "My Peace is not an elusive goal, hidden at the center of some complicated maze. Actually, you are always enveloped in Peace."

    May we always understand that simple truth, God is peace as much as He is love. Amen.

    1. MadFox! Amen my brother! The only perfect Love is God’s Love and the only true Peace and Joy are found in Him. Miss you!

    2. Thank you, Father, for these riches that are given so freely in Jesus. I don't deserve them, but I have them because I have believed your great and mighty promise. I have peace with God, I have been reconciled. I have acceptance in your presence and continual access to your help.

  9. Once again, I see that I am not alone! My lack of understanding kept me from posting more. I poured my heart out one morning, earlier this week and it didn't post. I have no idea why. I kept looking for responses and my post wasn't even there.
    This morning, I had such peace. Good fellowship with a believer, with my husband, peaceful sleep all led me to giving up trying to understand. And, then I read Sarah's JC today and realized why it was futile and decided not to get lost in that, but to trust. I trust that God knows my heart, hears my prayers, that this JC Family keeps me in their prayers as I do all of you.
    So, once again, I give my cares to Him and know in my heart He cares for me. I don't HAVE to understand everything to believe. You worded it so well, MadFox. I can't let it disrupt my peace. If we waited on understanding, we'd never get anywhere because, let's face it - who CAN understand the many disruptions in life. It seemed to come easier when I was younger - perhaps because I hadn't seen so many inexplicable situations, motives, variations of events.
    Then there is that deep seeded desire to be understood. That can be just as distracting. So, I am determined to go throughout this day, giving my best for Him, trying in my little ways to bless, and give Hope and reasons to believe.
    Congrats to the 25 year marriage and prayers for all of my JC Family. When I don't know what to pray, I remember that I can always pray in the Spirit and that is speaking divine secrets to Him Who cares. God Bless each of are in my prayers. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 With Love, Norah

    1. Huh? Are you posting as Anonymous now Norah? I get confused sometimes. There are so many posting as "Anonymous", Unknowns, Unknown, unknown. Oh well, God knows who we all are doesn't He.🥰

    2. Hi Jan! No, I'm still posting under Norah, but there were a few days that myy posts wouldn't go through. I have no idea why, but I decided to try it as Anonymous and see if it worked. :)

    3. You spoke right my sister. Thanks! All we can do each day is: to go throughout this day, giving our best for Him, trying in our little ways to bless, and give Hope and reasons to believe. Beautiful wisdom dear Norah!

  10. I'm reminded today about just how little I know about automobiles and yet I get in my car and drive everyday. Read the manual He gave us and rest assured we will get there without complete understanding. The peace we receive is up to us. I pray today to not only receive peace but to get in the back seat and enjoy the ride!

    1. Dear Unknown, Ditto. Me too. Likewise with airplanes. And I actually trust the pilot who I have never seen, nor known, whose credentials and flight records I have never checked, yet I sashay on board with free abandon, clutching my $5 bag of chips and a soda, trusting the pilot to get me to my destination against all odds at unheard of speeds, 35000 miles above everything I know, and I assume he can land a plane and on the runway, no less! And I sometimes doubt God??? I must be crazy, stoned out of my mind. Go figure! Who can even understand it? More insane is the fact that at times I seek to rely on my own understanding. OMG! I know God must be LOL and SHH, Go figure.
      Lord Jesus Christ, help me before I get to The Main Gate.

    2. Brie, I love the airplane analogy! You truly have a gift with words!
      Love you!❤️

    3. I ❤️ you too BamaGrl. I just sit here with my fingers posed over the keyboard and type whatever the Holy Spirit dictates! On occasion, I SMH at His leading. When I pause before sending, the Spirit says press "send" and then says. I'll "send" someone into the room who needs to read it as much as you do. So, I Proverb 3 and Trust in the Lord with all my heart, and do not lean on my own (mis) understanding!
      Blessings now and forevermore!

    4. Thanks Brie! Your post really made me smile and relate. When I'm on a plane and thinking of what it takes to get this incredibly heavy thing off the ground and fly it to a far off place, it is mind boggling. Yet I put my trust in a man to get me to where I'm going. Truth be told, I have never flown anywhere without first praying God would get there safely. And so true Brie we often think we can rely on our own understanding, But God is always in the driving seat even if we can't see Him there.

    5. Thank you Brie! Your airplane analogy hit home for me!
      You do truly have a gift for words. Love you sweet sister
      I’m lifting up each of this beautiful family in prayers 🙏🩵💕
      Love, Brandy

  11. Dear unknown unknown this is 2019. I too have difficult days. But I also have good days. Giving Him gratitude on the good after taking me through the bad. My peace I give to you my peace I leave with you not as the world does neither be trouble or afraid for I have overcome the world John 14:27.

  12. 2 Peter 3:16 As he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

    Proverbs 2:2-5 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, [and] apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, [and] liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as [for] hid treasures;
    Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.

  13. Thank you for doing work until the Lord I enjoy your blog


  14. 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

  15. Peace, peace, peace, there is NOTHING compare to Your perfect Peace! Yes Heavenly Father, let Your Peace that surpasses ALL understanding be shown through me today, because it's there and sometimes the enemy tries to keep it bond, but the Blood of Jesus sets it loose.
    Thank You for the joy and gift of another day Father. Today, we remember again the hurting and the brokenhearted and ask for Your continued peace, comfort and strength for ALL those families here and around the world.
    The devil must know and understand that: Your Kingdom comes, it shall remain standing and unshakable, Your will is going to be done and Your light will continue to shine in the midst of darkness. No amount of hate and violence can distinguish that Light, so devil, your fiery furnace is already awaiting you, while the love, joy and peace of our Lord will remain our strength. We are VICTORS and Not victims! 'For greater is He that is in us, then he that is in this world!
    The Blood of Jesus has wiped away every stain and every tear! We hold onto the wonder working Power that is in the Blood of Jesus and remain in faith and trust in our Lord!
    Thank You FATHER for Your perfect Peace.

    JC family, lets hold onto the Peace of God today and allow it to brighten someone's day, to the Glory of God!

    Lets continue in prayer for each other, this country and the world! With God, ALL things are possible!

    Blessed day!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Amen and Amen. So well said. We are VICTORS and not victims!! Praying for all this incredible JC FAMILY, whatever the need, to have the VICTORY over Every circumstance!! Hallelujah

    2. Beautiful encouragement, Maplewood. No one's going to rob me of the peace that passeth all understanding. I will guard it and my heart in Christ Jesus. And I'll do my best to be a bringer of light to my family and friends today to God's glory!
      Thanks and Amen: "Let's continue in prayer for each other, this country and the world!" All things are possible with God!!!

    3. Thanks dear Maplewood! Good advice to hold onto God’s peace through every curve of the road and share it with everyone we meet. And to continue to pray for each other as we trust in His faithfulness and promises .

    4. Maplewood, I love your prayer so much! Thank you for sharing!
      The Holy Spirit speaks through you dear sister!
      Amen, Amen, Amen!
      Loving prayers, Brandy

  16. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts here and beautiful prayers. The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

    Reaching out again for prayers. There is a saying that it is darkest before the dawn and it has been a long night. Weary as parts of this night have lasted almost a lifetime. Praying for His transforming light to capture me like never before so I can truly say God alone suffices.

    For your glory Lord we pray.

  17. Keith--- Binding up the 'factors' in your life that are trying to bring darkness to you. I loose the the light and the Glory of the Lord to saturate every area of your life. I ask for the WARRING ANGELS and the MINISTERING ANGELS to surround you and for you to have unusal favor with anyone that looks upon you. Refuse to accept the negative. Take charge of the situation by believing for favor and success in your family. Speaking Jesus, Jesus, Jesus into your family.

  18. Dear Heavenly Father, I am blessed and thankful to be in Your Presence this morning and seek to receive Your unshakable Peace. Help me to clear my mind and maintain peace in the midst of any storm.‘For You will keep me in perfect peace, when my mind is stayed on You, because I trust in You’ (Isaiah 26:3). Your grace is sufficient! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Jesus is the Prince of Peace and His definition of peace is different from the world peace that is built on a temporary foundation. He cared deeply about the peace in our hearts, and said: “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful”(John 14:27). God’s peace is a permanent and secure peace, offered only by Him who can be trusted to keep His Word. When circumstances are free of conflict, we tend to enjoy momentary peace, but Jesus offers peace in the midst of chaos that doesn’t change with the circumstances we face; but rather, it is secure in spite of the circumstances. It is built on the sure foundation of His Word. As we grow in our knowledge of the wisdom and prosperity of God’s love for us, our minds and spirits develop a restful faith of His magnificent power and grace. And this causes us to recognize that He really will make all things work together for our good and that His purposes will be achieved (Romans 8:28).
    To appreciate this tranquil peace of His, we must have the humility and courage to experience it by seeking beyond the mere abilities of our own understanding (Prov. 3:5). Also, a lifestyle of holiness is a lifestyle of peace (Hebrews 12:14). God alone can produce the real fruit of peace in us and we must obey His guidance. When we renew our minds daily with His peace (Colossians 3:15), we can also help others gain His peace. Ephesians 4:3-4 says:"You are joined together with peace through the Spirit. Do all you can to continue as you are, letting peace hold you together.”

    In God’s kingdom, a lifestyle of peace is more important than eating and drinking (Romans 14:17-21).

    Dear Father, Help us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to You. So that Your peace which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Wonderful synopsis of finding true peace, twin bd sis. As I sat with Jesus’ words this AM, “Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me,” it is the way of peace as your post affirms. Continuing in prayer for Janet and all your family until you tell me to stop. God be with you.

    2. Amen Maplewood! The peace from above is a peace beyond our understanding and a peace without limits in every situation. Let others see that we walk in a peace that never shatters even when the world is shaking all around us. No man can take this peace away. No circumstance can rob us of it because it is not like the peace that material possessions or food in the fridge can give you. It is one that fills every part of you forever.

    3. Amen and thank you for phtting scriptures and explaining what they mean because it really helps. Every day my spirit is lifted when I read, not only your prayers but everyone else's and I am filled till the next day! So, thank you Lord! Thank you JC family!

      From Florida

    4. Amen! Be anxious in nothing. Our God is so much greater than any sickness, circumstance or problem. In God do we trust. Blessings and peace dear Sister!

  19. I did some catching up read last night but did not get to read all. Brie the job in going great and it is the first driving job that I have been paid hourly at. The equipment is nice and I enjoy the people I work with and bringing light to them. The hardest part is occasional long days and then almost 3 hours a day commuting. My plan is to move closer to work by next summer. A nice caveat is that my previous boss let's me stay at his business in my "studio apartment". I love my air bed there. lol

    Bob, enjoyed "the scoop" you shared Aug 5. That has been instrumental in my life as well but I personally prefer the term "centering prayer" as in my mind it seems to be more descriptive for those not familiar with it.

    And The Woman I love and I are talking quite often. She has had a rough go with health and recent surgeries but is still strong. One of her big challenges is exhaustion and not being able to sleep. She and I have plans to ride bareback again this Saturday morning.

    And yes Peace is always present so Lord we ask that you help us to "see" ever more clearly the truth of your indwelling Peace.

    1. Thanks, Keith, for an update on all things. In praying for you, I will find myself wondering how you are so updates are very important. As we grow in faith, we find and use the words that help us best to explain what we are experiencing. We share our words with each other for whatever clarity they may bring. Yes, centering prayer is a good way to say it for that is what it does. Thanks!

    2. Love you Keith and you are always in my prayers as well as those all around you. Glad to know you are in here. It is good to see you now and then, so I can thank God for answered prayers on your behalf.

    3. Such good news Keith! I'm glad the new job is working out and most of all that you are sharing your Light. What a kind previous boss you have to let you stay in your "studio apartment". I will pray for The Woman You Love that she will be healed of all her weaknesses, find renewed strength, and will sleep better. Have fun riding bare back with her. The best is yet to come. Praise God for His peace, loving kindness and faithfulness!

  20. Update from "Aunt Connie and Helen" early this am. She is safe!! Still contending with scary wind and fast moving thunder storms. Other areas still without power and much flooding. Helen developed vertigo, MRI revealed No brain tumor. She still requires oxygen. Connie is thankful for your prayers. Thank You Jesus for the blessing of Your peace. Thank you Warriors for your prayers, praying and loving you as you love me with your prayers.

    1. Glad to know that Connie is safe! Praying for all affected by the storms. May God comfort and strengthen them and restore the power. Also sending healing prayers for Helen.

      Blessings from France

    2. Joining Bff, thank you Lord. Amen

    3. Thanks for the update, SM. So prayers will continue as you have shared. May God’s love, grace, and mercy ‘flood’ Connie & Helen’s lives to His glory. God be with you.

    4. I am echoing BFF, Jan Gridley and Bob's sentiments. Love to you Sassy Mom. Thanks for the update.

    5. Sassy Mom, I'm joining in the prayers for Connie and Helen, and those without power. Thank God Helen has no brain tumor. May God heal their weaknesses and bring them His sweet peace. May He bless and comfort all those who have been affected by the Storm. May God guide the workers to fix the broken power lines so power can be restored. Many are suffering in many ways and their homes and cars are damaged, and my heart goes out to them. Thank you Father for your guidance, love, peace and faithfulness! Amen.

  21. Calling on the warriors once again. My bff not only has to deal with hubby's cancer but she found a lump on her breast that must be biopsied. Thank you JC family for continued prayers for this precious couple.

    1. Because they are precious to you shows how much more precious they are to God. Your love for them which draws us into prayer for them will be their saving grace through this difficult passage on the road to their Lord & Savior. We help them through it with our prayers. Peace to you, Jan.

    2. I am continuing in prayer for you and yours Jan. Today, I am going for my yearly Breast Cancer post op checkup. I can relate to your friend's need for God'd Peace that surpasses all understanding.

    3. Praying for this precious couple, Jan! May God comfort their beautiful hearts, heal their infirmities, and bring them back to perfect health. Thank you Lord that the lump in Jan's bff is benign and thank you for guiding the doctors to the right medicine to kill every cancer cell in her good husband's body. You can do all things and we trust in Your Faithfulness. Rest in Him who loves you, Jan. They are in the best of Hands.

    4. Praying with all of you for this couple. May God's love, peace, mercy and grace envelop them through this storm. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    5. Lord asking for healing for Jan’s bff and husband! Praying for peace in their decisions! Prayers for you as well dear lady!

    6. Joining JC warriors in prayers for you and your loved ones Jan!

      Blessings from France

    7. Thank you dear ones for all your prayers, such a blessing & a balm to the ❤️

    8. To Brie and all cancer survivors, may the peace of God surround you in all post op checkups. No news is good news (except the Good News JC family already knows).

  22. Jan - Continuing prayers for you and this beloved couple. My heart aches for bff and her husband.

  23. Good morning! As an afternoon storm knocked our power out for several hours I was reminded that our power might go out, but His never does! Thank you Jesus for covering us all with your most powerful Grace and healing! And as in today's reading, bless you all with this verse:
    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

    1. Thank you, Audra! At peace here in TN with family after safe travels yesterday. And (the Lord) also with you!

    2. May The Power be with you Audra.
      Love you.

    3. I loved your post dear Audra! Amen! How blessed we are that we serve such a mighty God that His Power never goes out. And He never sleeps, and never leaves us. His mercy and love endure forever and His peace is limitless and surpasses all understanding. Resting in that truth and His never ending faithfulness.

    4. Amen, Audra. And also with you!

    5. Bob, Peaceful Tennessee, enjoy your visit in my neck of the woods.

    6. Audra, even though you never lost your God Power... I pray that your electric power is back! I would not wish a minute of no electric power during the summer on anyone and especially not someone I care about! At least not an Alabama summer! Whew!

  24. Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    You know all about the squall in my Spirit today, and you know that squall has messed up my house which yet again needs a deep thorough cleaning, the kind only You can provide. You know I need Your Help always and in all things to first seek and trust You, and Your Kingship Authority over me, as my Creator and my Master Who dearly dearly loves me, and cease trying to gain a false sense of mastery over my own life. Would you remove these issues and refill the space, bringing Your Peace into my heart far surpassing everything I could possibly understand or misunderstand? And while You are still cleaning up in there, can you spray the room with perfect submission? Thanks in advance. AMEN

    1. (I am so blessed in how you say things, Brie) Dear Lord, I need some of that same spray in my life as well. (Heard from heaven) Pfftt! Pfftt!

    2. Amen Brie and Bob! Praying for you dear Brie! I also need some of that good spray in my life. May God reign in our hearts above all, and take our reins, and lead us to His Will and not ours. Amen!

    3. Heavenly Father I’m lifting up this precious daughter to you to heal her spirit and bring your peace back to her today! I would also welcome a can of this “spray”!!

      Bob so glad you made it to TN safe and sound! Prayers for a wonderful visit and anniversary!, Blessings to all!,😘

    4. Praying for you sweet Brie! May we all receive His heavenly spray in every area of our lives!

      Blessings from France

    5. Although the demand seems high, God always has enough supply.
      The great Perfect Subnission febrezing rush is on. PFFT! PFFT! There's a quiet hush all over the world. Blessings and peace from God through our Lord Jesus Christ to you, JC Family.

    6. Darling Brie 🥰 what a picturesque way to pray. We are all in need of pfft, pfft these days!

  25. As I was lying in bed this morning, And was thinking about Proverbs 3:4-5. I put the “if and then’s” to the verse that became
    IF I trust in the Lord with all my heart,
    IF I lean not unto my own understanding.
    IF I in all my ways acknowledge Him
    THEN He will direct my paths.
    All to find out that the verses were referenced in today’s devotion. Later on this morning I am meeting with last year’s teaching staff to go over the latest requirements from the CDC to open up our school and to find out if they feel they can abide by all the requirements and no salary increases. We are a private Christian school and I feel God’s leading to prepare for opening in the Fall. Our enrollment currently does not support the expenses due to the families that feel it’s unsafe to send their children to school and have dropped out. Some of our staff has left because of high risk issues that the COVID-19 presents. So, basically we don’t have enough students, don’t have enough staff and the staff we do have will have MANY challenges in following all the required safety rules. Yet I feel we need to go forward. Are we crazy or what?
    Then I was reminded to TRUST, LEAN NOT, ACKNOWLEDGE, and HE WILL LEAD.
    I would appreciate your prayers as I am anticipating this will be an emotional meeting and so desire to have faith in the midst of this storm to trust in Him for direction.

    1. Praying for you! May God brings you clarity and lead you in the best directions according to His perfect will.

      Blessings from France

    2. Prayers for His Wisdom and His Guidance to precede and follow you and all who surround you today. May God's perfect Will be embraced with perfect submission. Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

    3. Joining Bff & Brie. Bless this school's trust & hope in you Oh Lord🙏

    4. A most challenging time for people in your position, Ano. Proceed in love making the best decisions for the well being of all. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you and for God to make and all adjustments in your thinking. We all pray for you in being the wonderful leader that you are. God be with you.

    5. Prayers for you, your staff and students, families, etc!, Such an uncertain time can be so stressful without faith! Praise God for faith and hope!,

    6. Praying for you and your school that guide will God every little detail and protect all those who walk through your doors from getting the virus. God is orchestrating the whole thing because you place your sincere trust in Him. He will not leave of forsake you. He goes before you to prepare the way. Do your best, make wise decisions and instruct others to do the same.
      Amen, this is such a stressful time without faith, but with faith, trust, thankfulness and love, the peace comes raining down because with God all things are possible and He is mighty to save. He is our very present help in these uncertain times of trouble.

    7. I pray that this school year will not be envelopes in fear but in trust in the Lord to make all things new. God bless you parents, teachers, students and caregivers that this year will be better than the last. 🙏✝️♥️

    8. I pray the school and all it's employees are waking up to an encouraging new school year, this year!

  26. Good morning to all! I am blessed to be added to this day! God isnt done with me yet!!! Show me, lead me in Your Ways!
    I take great comfort reading these morning prayers and to feel such peace knowing I am connected to each of you by a Thread that winds the way across the miles! Our God is an awesome God and I am humbled that He has called me by name!
    Don’t know why I am so full of joy 🥰 Fits perfectly with our reading, I think!
    An update on the family situation .... son and DIL are speaking to each other. Nothing has been resolved but God willing, they talk when they’re out for dinner this Saturday-their 5th Wedding Anniversary-just a few behind you Bob! Please keep praying for them! AND....I ask prayers for my youngest son who is trying to find his life-outside of the control and expectations of “the family”. Long, complicated history. I ask for your prayers for me 😊 to remember I am not alone and in my trust in God is my joy and my hope.
    Thank you Father for this group of prayer warriors who walk in Your Word!!!
    Monica ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Praying for you dear Monica! You are not alone for God is with you, He will never forsake you, you are loved and enveloped in His peace only He can provide. He's working in you and your loved ones lives for His Glory. Be blessed dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    2. Monica --- I go to The Throne of Grace to intercede for you, your family as well as the family members of the JC WARRIORS. I just reach out to You, Father God, and ask You to Touch and Pass through every home that is struggling. Restore each family member with Your peace, love, healing and tranquility. Allow the tears of distress that fall be transformed into tears of joy. Even as they await Your Victory, to overcome the situations and the problems within their home, may Your name be lifted high. I plead the blood of Jesus over each family member and speak the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus into each home. In Jesus' Mighty and Powerful name I pray, AMEN and AMEN!

    3. Monica - Echoing JJ's prayers.

    4. Joining in all of the above prayers for your journey, Monica. Glad to see you in Don't Worry, Be Happy mode.

    5. Thank you all!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    6. Monica- hallelujah! thank you Lord for this joy in Unknowns heart

    7. Dear Monica, praying as you have requested for there are no other options. Glad to hear son & DIL had dinner together. In getting away from everyone and everting may they remember why they fell in love and that they still are. I would often ask couples who came to me for marital counseling, ‘When is the last time you took the opportunity to be alone with each other?’ Most common response, ‘We can’t remember.’ My response, ‘That’s why you are here.’ Why have my wife & I made it to 50 years? We made a point of putting aside everything (which included the kids) to be alone with each other to be reminded of how much we love each other. This we did on a regular basis. May your son &DIL be reminded. God be with them.

    8. Monica 🙏🏻 for you son and DIL!

    9. Dear Monica, You got that right. He is not done with any of us. We are all works in progress. Thanking God that your son and DIL are finally talking to each other. The love is still there and God knows their hearts better than they do. Hope and pray their anniversary dinner goes well. Father God, Open their hearts to remember why they fell in love with each other and let them see those qualities are still in each other. Let them look through Your Eyes of love. And may their love be renewed, refreshed and strengthened. We are praying together and thanking you for this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This is my prayer train my heart to trust God as I make decisions and choices in my daily walk ! Yesterday I spent the day with my mum who is a widow and has also lost an adult child.She has some good days and some hard days as she misses my dad and sister and lashes out at every one.This makes me so sad,I go back home feeling depressed and discouraged ! Grief is a difficult journey. So before I went into her home I prayed that it would be a peace and enjoyable session and thank God the Holy spirit was there. She enjoyed the meal I cooked for her, she shared what she was learning from the book Hosea, we called up a sick relative and encouraged him after major surgery. When I left she had a smile on her face, thank Jesus for using me as a light ,

    1. Your light dispels the darkness, bless you Min Ahadi!

    2. Your heart had to be smiling, Min, when you left your mom's house. Praise God for the good visit!

  29. Joy, Your unborn grandson is being kept in prayers. There is nothing that is impossible for God! He worked miracles before and is still doing so today. He remains the same!
    Trust and Believe. I am doing just that for you and your family and can't wait to hear your testimony! God will get His glory because ALLthings work together for our good.


    Maplewood NJ

  30. Dear Min Ahadi! God guided you to making your Mom happy and thankful.The Spirit was working mightily within you to say the right things to comfort and encourage her. She has been through so much and through God’s love in you, you are replacing the sorrow in her heart with the true joy and peace of Christ.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne. May He lift her up and place her where she belongs in His will. Peace be with you!

  31. Heavenly Father, thank You for everything You do in and through all things. I am in awe of all Your glory and goodness. You are in everything and are everywhere. You are the same, yesterday, today, and always. Thank You Jesus. You are working in all the lives of all people to bring Your victory to light. Praise You Lord always and continually. You deserve all worship, praise, and attention. You are God Almighty. There is no other! Trust in the Lord with all Your heart, mind, and spirit.

    1. Father, I am only truly at peace when I am in Your presence. I desire to stay connected to You at ALL times -- no matter what is happening around me or what is going on. This life is about You, not me. Thank You Jesus. I praise You sweet Lord.

    2. Amen and Amen dear Janet! We are nothing without Him. We are who we are because of His Light, His Strength, His Spirit and His Peace. We are made complete in Him. Thank You sweet Jesus.

  32. Blessings to all of you, Dear JC Family. I am heading to bed - what a week! I've read every day and pray for all of you. Every day, I thank God that I believe and do not lean on my own understanding. Tall Order for me these days, with so many 'un-knowns.'
    Praying for His answers every day re: Retirement, Tests, Cataract Surgery, Hub's upcoming tests (again!), kids, in-laws (in-loves), vaccines, COVID; that the Truth be Told. So much on my heart - and so now I lay me down to sleep....
    Love and Blessings to all of you. Know Our God and His mighty Truth. Don't cave; don't fear - God is on the Night Watch.

    1. My Favorite lullaby: GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU
      Nighty Night and Pleasant Dreams, His sweet Norah chld!

    2. May our heavenly Father grant you the rest you need. And may He give you peace of mind and in your heart. God bless!

    3. Sweet Norah! Rest well in His love and care! God already knows all our Unknowns because we trust in Him. He is the light in the wilderness. I know you understand well His faithfulness. Take those burdens to the Lord and leave them there. Much love!
      Sweet dreams.

  33. Praying for complete submission of my illusion of mastery to My Master. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. I am in agreement with you Brie ...let's surrender to God !

    2. Amen to that dear Brie! Surrendering with you, Audra and Min Ahadi! Love you sisters and all my JC Family. 💗

  34. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that sayeth unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” (Isaiah 52:7).

    Loving Father, Thank You for another day to give thanks for Your loving kindness and tender mercy. I like many others, have a desperate desire to understand, but in so many areas of our lives, we must acknowledge that we cannot understand. What we must do is approve of Your ways even when we can’t comprehend them. In Isaiah 55:8-9, Your Word tells us that Your ways are higher than ours thoughts and this is because while we see only a bit of it, You see the whole picture. For me to trust in You with my whole heart means that I cannot place my own right to understand above Yours to direct me the way You see best. Doing so is setting myself up for spiritual failure. Please forgive me Father whenever I knowingly or unknowingly lean on my own understanding and not Yours. I lift this prayer up to You in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    As humans, whenever we choose to direct our own lives according to what seems right to us, we most often reap disaster. Each and every one of us must make a conscious decision whether to live our life according to our personal preference or according to the unchanging Word of God the Father. At times, we may not understand how God is causing all things to work together for our good as stated in Romans 8:2, but when we allow our whole heart to trust Him, we better believe that He is working whatever it is, out for good and not evil. Why? Because Psalm 119:142 and Philippians 2:13 says He will never fail us. Scripture tells us of so many great men and women who were not leaning on their own understanding when all seemed impossible. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his promised son Isaac (Gen. 22), he did not lean on his understanding. When Daniel was placed in the lion’s den (Dan. 6:16), he did not lean on his own understanding. When Joseph after enduring his family’s betrayal and a lie by his master’s wife and placed in prison (Ge. 39:7-20), he did not lean on his own understanding. When Stephen was proclaiming Jesus as the Christ and stoned to death (Acts 7:55-60), he did not lean on his own understanding. When Hannah a childless and unhappy wife saw her mate bearing her husband children and she couldn’t (1 Sam. 1:12-28), she did not lean on her own understanding, but rather thanked God and made a promise even before her baby boy Samuel (“God heard”) was born.
    What these people did was, leaned AWAY from their own understanding towards God’s Will for them in acknowledging Him. We also must decide to do likewise and know that leaning on the LORD and Trusting in Him is the ONLY way we can make it through each day of our lives. We must lean on Him for Peace, Hope, Comfort, Strength, Healing, Provision, Courage and for whatsoever He desire to make our hearts and minds capable of being joyful in Him. When we do this, we are resting our intellect upon the intellect of God, and this my friends, is one of the best decisions we can ever make!

    Father, As Jesus became a man of flesh and blood, He did not want to suffer the terrible physical torture of death through crucifixion. He had never experienced detachment from You and could not fathom the thought of an impending separation. However, He surrendered and prayed to You in simple, humble faith and submission, as stated in Mark 14:36- "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what You will."

    Lord, just like Your Son prayed, I pray that Your Will be done in our lives, never our will or understanding, but Yours alone, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Such a powerful post, Maplewood. THANK YOU!

    2. Another WOW post, Maplewood. Dear Heavenly and Good, Good Father God, You know how much I need help in the submission arena. I submit my desire to lean on You more and more and on my own (mis)understanding less and less, until I am completely immersed and submerged underneath Your Supreme Reign. In Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. Amen.

    3. Pffffttt! Pfffftttt! Just me spraying the room with Perfect Submision :)

    4. Maplewood, your post reminds me to pray and explore the truth behind trust and understanding, which without faith is an oxymoron.
      I welcome this new day with the blessings available from the Holy Spirit. May today's engagement party for the kids be surrounded with the love and protection we all seek and pray for. In this last day of my visit to NY I am grateful for this time together and meeting new friends and soon to be family. I am happy to have taken a chance to trade the smoke filled skies of northern California for masks on the streets of New York. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers for traveling mercies on my return trip beginning at o-dark-thirty tomorrow.
      Praying for all of you today and every day for requests known and unknown, posted or not 🙏

    5. Yes, yet another entry of such profound wisdom and insight, Maplewood. Greatly appreciated. Proverbs 3:5 is one I recite often and love however I'm not very good at it when things get awful. I tend to worry and try to figure things out on my own all the while knowing I need to "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART...". I have gotten better at least at recognizing I'm doing "it" again vs releasing it and ask for God's forgiveness and help. Thank you, again, for sharing your wisdom on this with all of us! Brie, I love the "pffft-pffft" of spraying perfect submission around you. Great visual! Love and blessings for all your needs, JC family! In Jesus' name, amen!

    6. Amen. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, mind, and soul and do not be conformed to this world.

    7. Thanks dear Maplewood! We gave read of zgod’a faithful servants going through trials and leaning Away from their own understanding and towards God’s will towards them. We are all Human and flawed but may God guide us to do the same. To Submit to His will above our own. You blessed me Sweet Maplewood. Thank you always for your enlightenment and encouragement.

  35. Need to engrave that in my brain. Lord help me on that one. Thank you Jesus for always being there 🙏 for me.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I just want to be where You are.

    1. Beautiful! Thanks for the perfect accompaniment to my morning cup of coffee, Sassy Mom. With love from me to you and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. I just loved that dear Sassy Mom! Thanks for lifting me.

  38. Thank you so much for this blog and all who post. What a powerful message today. As I prepare for treatment for cancer, alone in this world, I know my faith and trust in Him will always be my most important decision. Thank you to all the JC family for surrounding me with prayer. My symptoms are still gone since you started praying for me last week and I feel stronger each day. His precious blood covers us and His Grace is sufficient for all our needs. I love you all. Please keep praying for me as I traverse this difficult path.

    1. Praying for you Redeemed. You aren't alone. God is with you forever and always. May He heal you from your cancer and comfort you through this difficult time. Stay strong and know that you are loved.


    2. I am praying for you, too, Redeemed. Believing for a miracle of healing and knowing that you have the BEST prognosis because you know Who holds your future.

    3. Agreeing in prayer, Redeemed. You are not alone. You God is with you, rejoices over you with singing, and is mighty to save! ❤️

    4. I am praying for you. Yes, His precious blood covers us at all times and His Grace is sufficient for all our needs at all times. Therefore. you are never alone. Be strong, be brave, and be steadfast through Him.

    5. You got it, Redeemed🙏, and GOD'S GOT YOU!

    6. Joining our JC family members in prayer for you, Redeemed, and your miraculous healing that is taking place! We are all wrapping you in healing prayer and love. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    7. May our Father comfort and heal you. May His presence bring you perfect peace in Him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    8. Joining prayers for your healing dear Redeemed. God can do all things. I trust in His faithfulness and promises. May His healing power amaze the doctors and bring you back to perfect health.
      Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord.

  39. Redeemed - "His precious blood covers us and His Grace is sufficient for all our needs." Continuing prayers to Jehovah Rapha the GREAT PHYSICIAN!!

  40. Amen and thank you Sassy Mom.

  41. Just love Proverbs 3:5-6.
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
    In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
    My middle son's family is traveling back to NY from MA today. Thanking God for traveling mercies and a hedge of protection for them, and for all those in our JC Family and their loved ones who are traveling today in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  42. "Actually, you are always enveloped in Peace, which is inherent in My Presence."
    Reminds me that ALL I need is to be found in Jesus, in His Presence alive within me through the Precious Holy Spirit. Peace, purpose, provision, healing, forgiveness, hope, love, comfort, joy, rest, Heaven, answers to prayer etc, etc.
    Reading the lyrics below centers me on Him, filling me with His Peace.
    In Christ alone my hope is found
    He is my light, my strength, my song
    This cornerstone, this solid ground
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
    What heights of love, what depths of peace
    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
    My comforter, my all in all
    Here in the love of Christ I stand.

    In Christ alone who took on flesh
    Fullness of God in helpless babe
    This gift of love and righteousness
    Scorned by the ones He came to save
    Till on that cross as Jesus died
    The wrath of God was satisfied
    For every sin on Him was laid
    Here in the death of Christ I live.

    There in the ground His body lay
    Light of the world by darkness slain
    Then bursting forth in glorious day
    Up from the grave He rose again
    And as He stands in victory
    Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
    For I am His and He is mine
    Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

    No guilt in life, no fear in death
    This is the power of Christ in me
    From life's first cry to final breath
    Jesus commands my destiny
    No power of hell, no scheme of man
    Can ever pluck me from His hand
    Till He returns or calls me home
    Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

    1. Amen and thank you dear Peter. Love that song. Just sent it to my Mom and sister. Thanks for adding light to my day.

  43. Lord, Teach us to pray The Perfect Prayer

    "Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come;
    thy will be done;
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    the power and the glory,
    for ever and ever.

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom. It is indeed the perfect prayer, given to us by God. Love you. Praying for your comfort and guidance. Sending a hug. <3

  44. Trust in the Lord at all times, and lean not into your own understanding…..YES! I work so hard to figure things out, make things right, and as soon as one thing is resolved, my mind starts working on another. Trusting, relying on Him needs to be my first choice. Prayers for all of the JC family for His perfect peace and healing in all ways. Ellen

    1. Dear Ellen --- Receiving all your prayers with thanksgiving! You are so very right; we TRUST Him first! When life raises its head, we Worship. We pray instead of panicking and look to our God instead of focusing on the problem.

    2. Amen dear sisters. Trusting in Him with you. We pray instead of worrying. We lean on His faithfulness. Following the Spirit so my emotions don't get the best of me. He is my stronghold. Hallelujah

  45. The Lord be with you all! ♥️🙏

  46. Long, long day. Just listening to your song, Peter, before I head to bed. In Christ Alone, Casting all of our cares to Him Who cares. Dear Sassy Mom, Jeanne, Brie, Audra, JJ, Janet (uh-oh! here I go again - I will surely leave someone out!) - et to all of you. Praying, for each of you, as I go to sleep...knowing God is on the Night Watch.

  47. Words on my pillow, crickets singing, moonlight shining:

    Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

  48. My Beloved JCFAMILY----- It is getting a little bumpy out there. But, it is not a time to fear; fear connects you to the enemy. We keep looking up to our, Father God, who has a great plan to let the valleys to be brought up, to let the mountains be brought low, to let the crooked places be made straight, and the rough places be made smooth! HALLELUJAH!!! Lord, we thank You this day that THIS is the DAY that You have made. We will rejoice in it. It is a gift from You and we thank You for it.
    I Declare over each JCFAMILY/WARRIOR that something good is happening in your life, because I release a BLESSING upon you that empowers you to rise above any circumstances, and you have the Lord's favor surrounding you as a shield of protection. So I thank You, Father God, this day that you are the God of BREAKTHROUGHS for each JCFAMILY/WARRIOR, and You are the God El Shaddai--whom nothing is impossible and You dwell in each WARRIOR. Because you, Lord, dwell in each WARRIOR, they will not fear. They look through the eyes of Jesus and see their VICTORIES! I thank You, Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. I bless You for it, and I give You all the Glory for everything You are going to do. In Jesus' name, I Pray, Believe and Declare, AMEN and AMEN.

    John 1:3-5 MSG "Everything was created through him; nothing--not one thing!-- came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life--Light blazed out of the darkness;
    the darkness couldn't put it out. "

    Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY! JJ

    1. Hallelujah and Amen JJ! Thank you for the uplifting words. May our paths be lit up by our heavenly Father and our walk be meaningful 🙏. Amen 🙏.

    2. Dearest JJ! Your powerful prayer filled me at just the right time. Thank you good sister. Amen!
      We have nothing to fear! Our amazing God is so much greater than anything that can happen to us! He protects us like a cocoon. He surrounds us with His unchanging peace! His light never dims or fades. It can light the deepest recesses anywhere, and the most dire circumstances. We are covered by His Blood, and we are guided by His Spirit! We are well equipped for anything, and we have the Hope of Glory! Our Faith has set us free, and no evil can harm us. By His Word, Mercy and Grace we are tethered to Heaven. Thank You Jesus.

      Ephesians 3:14-21

      For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
      Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

    3. JJ, thank you for the wonderful uplifting words and encouragement on a Monday morning. Thankful that God put you in our midst. Your prayers are powerful.
      SC Anonymous

    4. Amen, JJ! I'm singing to my Father today!
      Only You!

    5. From Audra 😎

    6. JJ, Once again you knocked the prayer ball out of the park! Joining in prayer with you and our entire JC family. Singing ONLY YOU with Audra to a Good God Almighty! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  49. JJ…thank you once again for the encouraging prayer covering each of us in our situations that remain fluid and require trust in HIM>. We just found out that my active athletic husband has a mitral valve disorder that has gotten so much worse that he needs open heart surgery. Please pray that the right surgeon will found for him. Our daughter kirsten is doing well after radiation, and going back to teach part time. They just got a new puppy which is wonderful for them. Thank. You all for your prayers, and I thank God that his plan is perfect!

    1. Dear Ellen, So sorry to hear about your DH. You and Kirsten are always in my prayers. May God continue to strengthen you both and heal Kirsten completely. I added your good husband to my prayer list. May God heal him and guide him to the most qualified surgeon to make him better and bring him back to perfect health. Praying also for your peace of mind, dear sister. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Praying for Ellen's hubby and the world's best surgeon.

  50. Good Monday Morning, Dear JC Family. My sleep was sweet and complete and I was able to wake up to pray at 6:30 with my Best Friend since the age of 12. Then the skies opened up and watered all of our flowers - thank you, Father! The sun is trying to come out and everything is sparkling clean. Praying for each of you this day as we lean not on our own understanding. I have my Ladies Nt. tonight and one of them has this verse always on the tip of her tongue. So thankful for that constant reminder.
    Praying for all of my family - those traveling home after a nice weekend vacation; those who have just welcomed a young lady from Italy to spend the next nine months with them; those already headed out to work, and my day with casework that I pray brings answers, relief and resolution to things they've been battling on their own. Lifting each and every physical, mental, spiritual and emotional need or want that is in His mighty Hands. We are not alone and we will trust (so loved reading your airplane analogy again, Brie! SO TRUE!). Understanding is a pointless goal; trusting brings peace and calmness. Have a blessed day, knowing that Our Father gave us all the ability through his only begotten Son, Christ Jesus our Lord.

    1. Thank you always for praying for all of us. How blessed you were to have a very dear old friend to pray with this morning. God bless her always. May God strengthen you as you do your good work, and keep your family safe as they travel, and guide them as they welcome the lovely lady from Italy. 9 months is a long time. Your family has a big and loving heart. Enjoy your Ladies night! Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. Stay well and blessed. Much love.

  51. I am a true believer in Christ. I am in sales and 64 years old. I am asking for prayer from my JC family. My work is dependent on orders. Although I have laid all the ground work of late the orders are not coming. I pray for God to intercede but see no fruits from my labor. I will never give up on God and what He can do but it is weighing on my mind and soul. I am an introvert by nature and this is getting harder and harder as I grow older. We are not financially secure enough to retire. Please Lord Jesus end this drought!

    1. Thank You Father for showing dear Anonymous your faithfulness and answering our prayers. Guide him to prosperity and bring peace to his worried mind. Help his business to thrive and excel. Bring in the orders he needs right now. Provide for all his needs because he trusts in you. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

      Philippians 4:19
      And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

      Psalm 37:3-4
      Trust in the Lord, and do good;
      Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
      Delight yourself also in the Lord,
      And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

    2. Praying for you Anonymous

    3. Open the flood gates of Heaven O God, rain provision on your child who trust in You. End the drought so that they may be refreshed by Your provision. Amen.

  52. Good Monday morning, JC Family. What a great way to wake up to all of these prayerful posts. I receive your prayers, uplifting words and encouragement and return them in my prayers for you all as well. Praying especially for the intentions listed above. Peace be with you all.

    1. Thank you dear Suzanne. Praying with you and for you. We come here to be filled and leave satisfied. God is so good.

  53. JC Nails It! Again and again! I am always seeking to understand things that can not be understood, until they are revealed by our Lord. Dear Lord help me to seek YOU as Master for understanding. I can not be a master without your guidance and plan. Help me to accept the journey you have laid out specifically for me. Amen.

    1. Well stated ! Our idea of the journey is so often different than God’s, the Creator who has a perfect plan for each of us. Yet, don’t we ahead send to think that our plan is going to somehow be better? To trust our decisions and seek earthy pleasures instead of surrendering in the moment and selling his face continually? I too pray that I’m able to let go and realize, as Job put it: “And he said to the human race, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.””
      ‭‭Job‬ ‭28‬:‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  54. Amen! It is a constant and unchanging peace like His love for us.

  55. Amen dear ABC. I try very hard to trust in the Lord with every fiber of my being and not lean on my own understanding. We get in trouble when we let go of His Hand. His Divine Wisdom is far above our human understanding.We must hand Him our reins and not yank them back. I’m trusting in His guidance and discernment. Yes He has a plan designed specifically for each of us. He has already prepared our tomorrow. Hallelujah! Lead me, Lord.

  56. Lord, I am trusting you rather than my own understanding:
    Thank you for your continued prayers, warriors. No earlier surgery date yet, BUT today's Dr did change scripts, that are designed to give Larry more relief until the current August 28 surgery date. Not what we wanted BUT we're leaning heavily on His enabling us to walk and make progress upon our high places of trouble, suffering, or responsibility, to which I might add, disappointment. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
    Regardless Lord, I am trusting you rather than my own understanding!

    1. Trusting Him is the right move dear Brie. He has His reasons. Because you've given all control over to Him, He will schedule accordingly with you & Larry in mind. Let His peace overwhelm you. 🙌🙏🙏❤️

    2. Trusting with you thru your disappointment sister!

  57. Dearest Brie, I am trusting our loving Father with you to guide Larry’s doctor to bring him back to perfect breathing. I was praying for an earlier appointment too. But We must not lean on our own understanding but trust in the Lord with all our hearts. May God help his new meds to work perfectly so he will be able to breathe again. I am also praying that Norah’s DH has a successful infusion and he continues to improve and God brings him back to good health and comfort.
    Praying that God is keeping our dear MadFox in remission and in good health too. And that He will carry dear Sandy through her upcoming stem cell transplant and destroy every bad cell. He can do All Things! He knows exactly how I feel and I am resting in Him comply. Now two of my sons don’t believe in God and Dylan’s whole family doesn’t believe but we know God can do all things. He can change their hearts and mGreg’s son Gabriel believes and he is starting CCD classes in September. Thank You Father for making all things right as only You can. I place my dear ones and my JC Family into Your Hands. Thank You for answering our prayers. We trust in you with all our hearts, minds and souls. Praying in Jesus’s Name. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne 🙏. And praying for your sons' salvation too. Thank You Jesus for hearing, listening, and answering all our prayers. You are so very good to us ALL the time. I praise You Lord always and bless Your holy name. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

    2. God we look to You in this, and in all things. Thy Will Be Done. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Joining warriors dear Jeanne in prayer for all concerns. Thy will be done. Hallelujah! Amen!🙏🙏🙌❤️

    4. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement, dear Janet, Brie, Jan and Anonymous KY. I don’t understand how 2 of my 3 sons lost their faith but I know I planted the seeds so I’m giving my concerns to God. Dear Brie, you made me feel so much better. Amen! God still loves them and they are still in His Hands.
      Thank you! God bless you all!

  58. With all my heart I will trust in You. Prayers for all.🙏🕊️

    1. Omniscient God, You know the solution to every situation and circumstance that arises.
      Your Holy Spirit has permission to speak and guide me through.
      Align my mind with Yours, Lord.
      May I perceive and lean on the profound truth of your love, today and everyday.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen! Wonderful prayer.

  59. "Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out,".
    From the moment of Mankind's fall from Grace, intimate direct relationship and communion with God was lost; so Mankind reasoned he/she had to figure things out by themselves.
    Mankind lost:
    Immortality: Replaced by physical and spiritual Death, decay and destruction.
    Innocence: Replaced by guilt and sin, Mankind could no longer tell right from wrong or life from death.
    Peace: Replaced by doubt, paranoia and suspicion.
    Sanctifying grace: Falling from Grace, Mankind now carried sin guilt.
    Freedom: Now slaves to sin.
    Relationship with God: Replaced by estrangement.
    Knowledge of God: Mankind invented gods in an attempt to regain connection, but replace the One True God.
    Knowledge of creation: replaced by evolution theories.
    Knowledge of morality: Replaced by immorality.

    Thank God all is restored in Salvation through repentance of sin, belief and trust in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
    AMPC 1 Peter 5:10
    "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you."

    1. Thank you Peter for the words of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Thank you Peter. "He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake." Psalm 23:3

    3. Thanks dear Peter! Happy to be a work in progress in the Hands of our Great Potter.

  60. Goodnight dear JC family. Rest in Him Who loves us. His Eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watches me. Sleep well in His loving care.

    Proverbs 3:24
    When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
