Friday, August 14, 2015

Jesus Calling: August 15

I am the God of all time and all that is. Seek Me not only in morning quietness but consistently throughout the day. Do not let unexpected problems distract you from My Presence. Instead, talk with Me about everything, and watch confidently to see what I will do.
     Adversity need not interrupt your communion with Me. When things go "wrong," you tend to react as if you're being punished. Instead of this negative response, try to view difficulties as blessings in disguise. Make Me your Refuge by pouring out your heart to Me, trusting in Me at all times

Psalm 55:17
English Standard Version

Evening and morning and at noon
    I utter my complaint and moan,
    and he hears my voice.
Psalm 32:6
English Standard Version

Therefore let everyone who is godly
    offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;
surely in the rush of great waters,
    they shall not reach him.
Psalm 62:8
English Standard Version

Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for posting... God bless the Peyton family.

  2. Heavenly Father, Thank you for always being there for us with each breath we take. Lord, I pray that we seek your guidance throughout the day and into the evening with every blessing and every challenge we may face. While we may seek your guidance in those extreme challenges, let us not forget that You are with us and we will be strengthened by the hardened journey to more peaceful times.

    1. Absolutely. Thank you Jeff.

    2. Thank you for your prayer 🙏

    3. Amen Jeff! Your prayer is my prayer and it is timeless. Our good Father is using our hard times to polish and strengthen us. I am blessed at all times because He is my God.

    4. He will have no bad news for his heart is steadfast, trusing in the Lord! Ps 112:7 ✝️
      Thank you Holy Spirit for protecting my mindfmind heart from all entanglements as I don my spiritual armor to face this new day in the Prescence of my Lord. In Jesus's name I pray over the JC family. I pray in your name for the lost and broken. I pray to bless and not curse those that offend me. Thank you Jesus!

    5. Thank you Jeff, Jeanne, and Audra; thank you all. Praising Jesus always. AMEN!

    6. Clyde Edward "Boo" BullockAugust 14, 2021 at 10:29 PM

      Thank You Heavenly Father!!! Thank You LORD JESUS!!! Thank You HOLY SPIRIT!!!

    7. Amen Clyde! Thank You Jesus! May Your Holy Spirit work mightily in us to help us do Your will, and lead others to You.
      Let us pour our hearts out to you because we trust You and your Words and promises. You are our Refuge at all times. Let us do our best to Come to You when we are lost or going through troubles. You are there always to protect, lift and guide us. Only You can renew our spirit and comfort our heart.

    8. Thank you for sharing God's insight with us, Jeff. I am gathering in with you and all of the pray-ers, both above and below. May God our Heavenly Father help us to use these times to BUY GOLD FROM GOD @ REVELATIONS 3:
      My advice to you is to buy pure gold from ME, gold purified by fire, only then will you truly be rich. And to purchase from ME white garments, clean and pure, so you will be armored up and joyful; and to get medicine from ME to heal your eyes and give you back your sight. I teach everyone I love to become enthusiastic about the things of God! And to enable us to BREATHE PRAYER @ LUKE 18, Just like breathing, Pray in every situation, confident that God hears and God answers.
      May we all Persist in prayer. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I wait. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    9. Yes Jeff, again I say, absolutely! Amen! Thank you Jeff.

    10. Amen! ❤️🙏

    11. Amen 🙏 I just got on this Jesus calling..And May I say I am so excited to see what's in store for me and everyone else who has joined this.. God was definitely speaking to me today.. He has done some Amazing things for me not only in my life looking back..But even more so in that last few months when THE HOLY SPIRIT hit me and I Have been chasing God and his Son and The Holy Spirit... I Love All of you and Pray you all have An AMAZING and blessed day 🙏 🙏💯

    12. So happy to see someone else here today, May God bless you and hopefully I stop being such an angry little person.

  3. thank you dear heavenly father .amen

  4. Heavenly father in heaven, my only God, our only God, please help me to get closer to you day by day as I am very much want to get closer to you.. Please help me to feel your presence with me, Please help to give me strength through out the day and guiding me with your purpose so I could glorify in your name.. Amen

    1. This prayer could have been straight from my heart❤️Amen unknown from 2018🙏🏻

  5. god pray for me I could only imagine how could my life get any worse if I didnt pray I honestly feel like I'm living in hell nothing goes right for me seen I was little how can I feel like satan has more power over life then God I honestly pray and try not to lose faith but he has totally abandoned me I feel like please god help me take these negative thoughts away.

    1. I Thessalonians 5:18 says, “in everything give thanks.” I’m sure that seems difficult right now but I want you to get into a daily routine of giving thanks for things. Like this - thank you God for a new day. Thank you Lord for giving me air to breathe; Thank you for loving me unconditionally; thank you that you have promised me eternal life with you in heaven. Thank You Jesus for dying for my sins. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you that God sees me as pure white snow, without blemish. — You can do it. Thank Him.

    2. For months and months, God's simple instruction to me was trust Him and pray. (Psalm 62:8 "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us."). So, I did. Hesitantly, slowly, intermittently, I poured out my heart. The content of my prayers were 99% complaints and moanings. As I would learn later, a lot of what I said hurt His heart to hear, but, by His love and grace, He continued to listen as I continued to trust Him and pray.
      One day, he led me to dig deeper into the Greek translation of 1 Thes 5:18. What I learned from it was that "in everything give thanks" could also read "acknowledge that God's grace works well in every part of the whole of my life." As I started thanking him in a new season of trusting him, I started to recognize that acknowledging my gratitude to God for the things that he has done, is acknowledging my dependence on God for the things that he has done. When I thank him, and praise him, I'm acknowledging his higher authority in my life. Thanking him simply requires that I trust that what he has done is good. That trust opens my heart to his peace and his peace keeps me from concerning myself with the things that are out of my control.

      All that to say that he commands us to enter his presence with thanksgiving, even if we enter his presence feeling like we are living in hell and nothing goes right. We should still enter his presence with thanksgiving even if we enter his presence pouring out nothing but complaints and moans in regards to our life. We should still enter his presence with thanksgiving even if we feel like he has totally abandoned us. There is a peace that comes only from pouring out our thanks to God and acknowledging his higher authority in our life.
      Thank him for everything. Acknowledge that his grace works well, even with the negative thoughts.
      And in offering him your gratitude and appreciation for what he has done, even the negative thoughts and living hell, you give him those situations to redeem for your good and His glory. Thank him for those things, because he's not going to remove those things from your life if his redemptive plan is for such things to bring you to his throne of grace, and to create in you the holiness that he desires for your life.

    3. Wow. That is great encouragement. Thank you for sharing.

    4. Thank you for your post and your research! Just had to say you blessed me and you taught me so much! I will remember that in praising and thanking Him, I am also affirming my dependence on Him and His authority over me. Indeed, I cannot do anything without Him but with Him all things are possible. The most difficult hardships can only bring me closer to Him when I remain in His presence and care. He is molding me through the bad times as I continue to thank and praise Him for more reasons to test my faith.

    5. Powerful valuable timeless testimony Unknown! Thanks for sharing. By the Glory of God through you, I am bettered!

    6. Thank you again dear Unknown for your honesty and encouragement. Your words inspired me. Doesn't matter when you wrote them. They are timeless and so true. Taking this with me:
      There is a peace that comes only from pouring out our thanks to God and acknowledging his higher authority in our life. Amen!

    7. This time around snagged by "His grace works well, even with negative thoughts."
      This has to be one of the classic keepers of the JC Calling blog, thank you!

    8. As Jeanne noted above, your entry is timeless. I’m seeing these entries in 2022. What a blessing for me.

      The Jesus Calling post today is timely as well. I tried to sleep an extra 15 minutes this morning. The dog woke me up at my normal time. God had a plan. I needed more time before getting my son up for school. I needed to read more entries today. I needed to see and learn how others in this community face adversity. I needed to be reminded to thank God for all things - good and bad. As I anxiously awaited a doctor last week, my husband kept texting me to thank God for any and everything. As I awaited a mammogram and ultrasound last week, I continued to thank God for my current situation. I have a biopsy scheduled for today. I will be thanking God for this situation and rereading JC entries and posts to calm my anxious heart.

      SC Anonymous

    9. SC Anonymous, May God bless and calm your anxious heart, be with you during your biopsy and waiting for results. And may He bring perfect health and peace to you. Amen and Amen

    10. "Be still and know that I am God", the scripture that I repeated over and over again during a recent surgery. It helped keep me calm.

    11. A year later and I am taking the same prescripture, Audra!

    12. Thank you Unknown from 2018. Your post is very encouraging and informative as a reminder to me to ALWAYS remain thankful. For God is sovereign over ALL things. God bless 🙏.

    13. Wow- I agree Janet. Unknown from 2018 post really hit home . Thank you 6 years later ❤️🙏

  6. unknown unknown...I am praying for you every day!! I am praying for your situation to get better and that our dear Heavenly Father will give you peace and hope!

  7. Dear Heavenly Father, THANK You for another blessed and gifted day. As my mom and I are about to head for an early morning flight, Lord, I Thank You for traveling Grace and mercy. Thank You for being the pilot and preventing any obstacles from coming near or around us, in Jesus name!

    My JC Family, I Thank each of you for the prayers since yesterday for me and my mom's safe flight. The God we serve will take us safely. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    KS, JJ, Sassy Mom and ALL, THANKS for praying for both me and my mom! leaving the house at 3:30am and still awake:).
    Norah, THANK YOU for the prayers & Thanks for asking re: mom.
    Some days are great, there's been laughter, others are sometimes not for me. The good news is, we are Not growing apart, but taking baby steps. My mom doesn't want to talk about issues, she has so much built up inside that it makes me wonder. She rather talk to others, but not me. It hurts. I've heard stories of parents loving some of their children and Not really caring much about some. I happen to be one that is not loved as much. I may be wrong, but either way I am honoring her as God instructes. I've cared for and always wanted the best for her since my father passed over 20 years ago, but that's not good enough. Trying to get her to eat healthy and look presentable, but it's like I'm bad for wanting that for her. She thinks i am trying to control her. I've prayed about it and leaving her to eat what she loves and dress how she pleases. I want her to be happy & for us to have peace. God in His own time, will work it all out. Still loving her and doing the best I can. I had a planned program in MN for 5 days & didn't want to leave her home, so got ticket for her to visit some family while I'm at my program. Just want her to be happy and she, is for this trip. Not giving up on her salvation either, God is able.

    Praying for you and your husband Norah, our God is a GREAT God. We will all have great testimonies soon, in Jesus name!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Welcome to MN. I hope you enjoy your time here. I pray for uneventful flights for you both and that you will be able to grow closer in your relationship with your mom. Keep praying and God will bless you and your mom. Again welcome to the land of 10,000 lakes. The weather should be great while you're here. Blessings.


    2. Maplewood--- Lord I proclaim You to be over each trial Maplewood is going through. I ask that You would be in charge of these situations and bring good out of them. James 1 :2-3 "My brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the test of your faith produces patience." Let the Lord's grace and mercy be ALL OVER Maplewood and mom!

    3. Maplewood - I'm going thru the same with my mom. Took care of both for 10 years. Dad died last year. Mom still demanding but like you, I love her and just let her do her thing. Whew - somes days are more demanding than others. But your outlook is wonderful. And I get so much inner strength from God and my JC family! Have a wonderful trip. KS

    4. Maplewood, I can relate to your challenging relationship with your Mom. My Mom is the most headstrong person I know and she tries to plan everyone’s day but she has the most beautiful heart and often gives like the woman with the 2 mites. Your Mom couldn’t help but love your beautiful heart! Praying for her health and strength of faith. Thankfully, My Mom loves Jesus with all her heart. That is why she is doing so well!

    5. Praying for you and your Mom. Especially for her salvation. And for her comfort and yours. I understand how hard it is to help your Mom when she is stubborn and doesn't want help even though she needs it. God is walking hand in hand with you through each day. I know you seek Him in every situation. He knows your beautiful heart very well.

  8. Praying for the ALL the prayer requests here and trusting God for healing, restoration, blessings, favor and ALL that concerns us! When we ask, trusting and believing, we receive.
    God is our reguge and strength, lets keep trusting in Him at all times because HE is the God of ALL time.
    May HIS Peace and Love abide with us throughout this day.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Joining in your prayer, Maplewood. Even a year later, your prayer is timely because our God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Amen!

    2. You choose peace and love, not understanding. Jesus is smiling down on you always highly favored one. I love you Maplewood.

  9. Scripture for those (2018) seeking God's presence.
    “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)
    Katie (2018) Thanks for sharing Greek translation.

    Maplewood - You are in our heart and prayers. You are loved by your JC Family. Praying God's blessing.

  10. Dear Lord, help me to stay focused on you throughout the day, not just during my morning devotions. Keep me in communion with you with each step I take. Help me to see that daily hardships are an opportunity to be more dependent on You and my faith, to build trust and to seek you always, during good and not so good times. Amen.

    1. Amen, ABC! Your prayer is mine. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

  11. Keith --- I continue prayer for your circumstance. Your family situation may be up in the air, but you can still come into success. Your success is not dependent upon your surroundings, but it is dependent upon your attitude and understanding of your ability to reach into Jesus Christ and live in His strength! Great BLESSINGS to you from Kansas.

  12. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day. Thank you for the rain. I thank you for my daughter's recovery in advance because you are most merciful and loving. Pour your amazing grace over JC family and I thank you. Amen

  13. Good morning my JC family! God is Good! ❤️ All your comments give me so much hope that I am walking on the path of my choices (which usually are not the ones planned for me!🙂) but NEVER ALONE! I am in awe that I am always loved - always in my failures and always in my joys! There is nothing I can do that God will love me less and nothing I can do that He will love me more! He just Loves!!!! What a weight off my shoulders when I lift all things up to Him! Peace and blessings on this day!! ❤️ Monica

    1. Amen, Monica! God is good, and we are blessed! May You feel His love, mercy and grace today and everyday.

      Blessings from California

  14. Jesus, thank you for being Lord over my life and having a perfect plan for me. Please help me to practice your presence more each day. Teach me to come to You with evetything in my life. Let Your will be done. Continue to work on me. Tjank you for all of your grace and blessings. Amen

    1. Amen and Amen! Just this morning I continued to pray: Lord, make me a better person and let me think if of others over myself. Keep me in Your presence.

  15. August 14
    "Please pray warriors. Cataract surgery today, echogram tomorrow. Thanks & love & blessings, Jan"

    Jan - Prayers for perfect outcome for cataract surgery and echogram.

  16. Thanks Sassy Mom & JJ for prayers. Surgery went well. Just tired. I need wisdom about helping out at the youth retreat with hubby tomorrow. Just chillin'sounds good. Love you guys🥰

    1. Jan --- So glad to hear surgery went well and you are doing well! Thw Lord is so good and he will get you through tomorrow in victory!

  17. Thank for this site. I'm in pain and I get some relief
    from contemplating her words.

    1. Anonymous, praying for you and hoping that your situation has improved whatever you were going through a year ago. May you feel His love and peace that surpasses all understanding. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

  18. Good morning everyone! Thank you Lord for another day. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

    Here is the mail I'm sharing with you all. It's about the sword today.

    "Weapons are generally made to attack and protect. A sword can be used to strike or stop a blow. This part of the armor is therefore offensive and defensive in nature. But when it comes to the spiritual armor, it is essentially offensive.

    Ephesians 6:17 states that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.
    By proclaiming the Word of God, you wield your sword and you can move into the enemy territory. In fact, when you declare the Word of God, you give your God a chance, an opportunity to build what He wants to build through you and in you. The Word of God is an extraordinary weapon to build life, to build the people around you.

    "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires." Hebrews 4:12

    "So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ." Colossians 1:28

    Lord, help us to use Your Word as a sword that builds. We know that Your Word keeps our enemies away, but Your Word builds up our enemies. So, we want to preach Your Word. We want to talk about You wherever we go. Give us the strength and courage to always use our sword with wisdom and power. Amen."

    Have a blessed day JC fam!

    Blessings from France

    1. Blessings from France - God bless you for sharing The Armor of God.

    2. Bless you Bff for sharing. We always need more teaching of the Word.

    3. I receive and claim your prayer this morning BFF!

      God be with you as well.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Indeed, the Word is alive! Every day here we read examples that are perfect in timing and topic, like this beautiful sharing from our friends in France! Bless you BFF and one and all. What a powerful army are we who pray with sword in hand.

    5. Thanks BFF. Sometimes I think of the SWORD as S(pirit's)WORD!
      Armoring up to continue the dirty work of having clean and clear water. Love and blessings JC family.

    6. BFF- Thank you for sharing! I'm blessed by your words. "Give us the strength and courage to always use our sword with wisdom and power." Amen to that!
      Brie- Loved "the SWORD as S(pirit's)WORD!
      May God be with all of you.

      Blessings from California

    7. Thank you dear BFF for that wonderful teaching and for feeding me the Word! It is indeed the great Sword against the enemy and Jesus Himself used it when He was being tempted! It is a powerful weapon against the Evil One. We must inscribe the Word on the tablets of our Heart! Then we will always be Mighty Conquerors in Christ.

    8. Thanks, mon ami, for these thoughtful posts on the armor of God. The more the Word finds a welcome in our heart, the more the proclamation is seen and heard. God be with you.

    9. Amen and thank you sweet Maplewood!
      The Word of God is my daily sustenance and I need it just as I thirst for water. It is truth and life and light and salvation. And it is the Sword against the enemy. Don't leave home without it!!

  19. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

    1. Sassy Mom- how are you dear heart? Praying for you today. I know Jesus is your constant companion. Enjoy Him in a special way today as you talk & walk with Him. His light shines on you so brightly that it leads you to share it with others. We appreciate you & love you dearly🥰

    2. Jan - Love you MORE!!!! My daughter and I say this to each other all the time. Thank you for sharing your love with everyone you encounter.

    3. I love you too dear Sassy Mom! And you too dear Jan. I say Love you More to my daughter in law all the time so I’m sitting here with a big grin. Thanks for the joy!! God bless you both!

    4. You also dear Jeanne! You're a joy to us🥰. Your caring nature jumps out of your sweet posts & touch everyone of us. We love & appreciate that nature.

    5. Thank you sweet Sister Jan! You made me smile. So blessed to have you in my Family!

    6. First time I heard "I love you more" was thru the lips of our little 3 year old great grand daughter as she responded to my husband after he told her he loved her. She probably learned it from her mommy. We have never forgotten that moment and have used "I love you more" much. jw

    7. So very sweet dear jw! Out of the mouths of babes! When my little grandson Gabriel says I love you Nani, my little heart just melts.
      Next time he says it, I will say: I love you more! :)

  20. Dear Heavenly Father, Not only do I need a refuge, I need You to supply me with divine strength to honor You. Because You are Sovereign over all things, I can hide in You, knowing that every struggle and challenge I encounter is no match for You. Your grace is sufficient for me. Thank You Lord. Amen.

    A refuge is a strong fortress. A structure that protects you from enemies, from harm, from storm or from any evil force. A refuge is a place of shelter and rest from the circumstances beyond your control. The God we serve is our refuge from all of these and so much more! He isn’t just our present help in trouble. He is our VERY present help in trouble
    We cannot truly know God nor claim Him to be our refuge and strength without acceptance through Jesus. He desires an intimate relationship with us, that He sent His only begotten son Jesus into the world (John 3:16) to be the pathway back into a relationship with Him (John 14:6). By accepting Christ Jesus, we grow in Him, and are able to learn of Him through His Word, from others and from our day to day experiences with Him.
    We can trust Him to be our all in all as we go through life experiences and see His mighty power and strength revealed in our lives. He is our firm foundation, our strong God, our refuge, our strength and strong tower. He is the undefeated God, absolutely no circumstance, no trial, no difficulty that we ever experience, is bigger than our God, He is the All-Powerful, God Almighty!

    Let’s believe in Him, trust Him, depend on Him, because He gives us safe passage through valley situations and on our mountaintop experiences. He promises to never forsake those who seek Him.

    A new book 'Shelter in God, Your Refuge in Time of Trouble by Dr. David Jeremiah, is worth checking out.

    May the Lord bless you all, grant You His peace, cause His face to shine upon You and give You rest as you go through this morning, noon and evening, trusting Him as Your refuge and strength. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood - "A new book 'Shelter in God, Your Refuge in Time of Trouble by Dr. David Jeremiah, is worth checking out." AMEN!!! I would also add "The Jesus You May Not Know" and "The God You May Not Know"

    2. Thank you Maplewood! Always blessed by your post. Praying for you, your sister and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you Maplewood 🥰. I'll check out the book. My Bff needs a good book to feed her weary spirit as she sits it out with hubby for a long day of support & care.

    4. I did give her the JC book & she's loving it😊

    5. Thank you dear and sweet Maplewood! I was so lifted and encouraged by your beautiful post and prayer that I shouted Hallelujah!! Wanted to do a happy dance of Thanksgiving for our great God who is a Very present help in times of trouble! I can’t get through one day without Him and why would I? I will look into that book but I’m in the middle of a few books now. Now all I need is time to read. Sassy Mom, Those other books sound great too! Thanks. God bless you and all our JC Family!

    6. Praying the same for you, twin bd sis, and for Janet as well. God be with you.

  21. Thank you for the encouraging words today and every day Maplewood. I am especially feeling blessed to come here and read your words today because my own spirit is so sagging. I'm worn out and tired of the fight, but will continue to trust and have faith that God has a good plan because God is good.
    I continue to pray for all of you every day, my JC family. Have a blessed day.
    Love, Kathy

    1. Praying for you Kathy! God is with and for you, filling you with strength, comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding.

      "Why, my soul, are you downcast?Why so disturbed within me?
      Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."

      Let's praise the Lord for His Love, His Goodness, His Faithfulness. May we take our eyes off of our trials but turn them upon our Lord, for He is far greater and more powerful than the biggest of our problems.

      Blessings from France

    2. Hi Kathy
      At moments like the ones you described, I am bouyed up by an earlier post on today's board from Unknown August 16, 2018 at 12:55 AM
      My prayers that it bouys you up too. Love to you and our entire JC family.

    3. Tried so hard to post but it didn’t work. Dear Kathy! You are doing everything right in waiting patiently on the Lord for your spirit to be lifted and for things to improve. Our Father knows exactly how you feel. Look for the bright spots of light He is shining on your day and remain hopeful. Get out everyday to fill your heart with the beauty of God’s creation. Praying you will feel surrounded by the love, joy and peace in believing that is always present despite the circumstances. Sending much love and prayers.

    4. Kathy- joining in these prayers for you.

    5. Lifting you up in prayer, Kathy. Spirits can sag but they will rise again. May your spirit be lifted this day. God be with you.

    6. Praying for your comfort and peace, sweet Kathy. Your Mom is in a better place, a perfect place and she is no longer suffering. Praise God for His mercy. May He hold you while you grieve and hug you when you are feeling lonely. Believe His plan for you and your future will be a blessed one! NJS said it well. Caregivers will be rewarded in His Kingdom. You will be blessed down here too because God knows your servant's heart. He knows your goals and dreams. He can lead you to them.


    7. Dear JC Family, Brie, Jeanne, NJS, Blessings from France, Sassy Mom, Mindy, Janet, Jan Gridley, Audra,
      I'm copying this first part over from yesterday to make sure you see that you ALL helped me with what you brought in your words:
      Thank you with the fullness of my heart for your words of response. Each one of you gave me a gem of Truth that has been deposited. It is an honor to walk this path with you in this community. The faith and sharing here is so beyond special and we all know it.

      My mom was starting to rapidly fail in strength over the last couple years and needing more care. She was starting to notice that she wasn't keeping things straight in her mind and she never wanted to lose her faculties. She had a very strong mind that kept her fighting but her body was completely frail. After her last fall she was scared and so was I of how the future was looking. I prayed and asked God to help my mom and do what is best for her. He wrapped His love around this process of bringing her home even though none of us knew that is what was in progress. I saw His perfect plan unfold throughout it all with many surprises and ups and downs on our earthly un-knowing experience but it was clear after each event that it was HIM that was planning it all out. My mom doesn't have to be scared and weak and hurt ever again. Praise The Lord! All Glory to HIM.

  22. Warning: highly emotional post ahead, you may want to scroll ahead to the next post.

    Yesterday was a day like no other in my life. My lifelong prayer has been to be true to the marriage with which God has blessed me. Reaching our 50th wedding anniversary was a milestone reflecting God’s grace in answering that prayer. I woke filled with joyous emotion and spent my quiet time remembering the journey with thanksgiving accompanied by tears. When my wife awoke, I wrapped my arms around her weeping a most joyous weep. I was glad to be having the root canal appointment in hopes that some discomfort might help me get my emotions under control. But alas, because of your prayers, the procedure was pain free and there was no discomfort the rest of the day.

    Fast forwarding to evening, we had dinner with our three daughters and their significant others. For us, the only celebration we wanted for our 50th. The evening concluded by returning to our daughter’s houses where the grandchildren had prepared a simple reception much like ours 50 years ago. A part of that time was spent watching a video they prepared of our wedding pictures interspersed with clips from individuals in our wedding party sharing their words of congratulations. Also included were clips from family and blessed friends in the church we served for 27 years. The evening was concluded with some of the music that holds a special place in our heart because of special moments to which they were attached. When the song, “You Made Me So Very Happy” which was popular when we got married was played, I completely lost it. The children and grandchildren were expecting us to dance but how can you dance when your emotions are so out of control. When I kissed my wife good night, I said, “This was the happiest day of my life.”

    When Mercy Me recorded the song, “I Can Only Imagine”, they raised a good question concerning what it will like when we stand before our loving Lord. Yesterday, I might have caught a brief glimpse of how I will feel when the eternal milestone is reached. And when His judgment is given, maybe it will be like the video of our married lives that our family made. Too often the impression is given that the final judgment will be to parade before us all the things we did wrong in our life. Hmmm, if indeed it is as scripture says, that our sins are forgiven and forgotten, could it be that the final judgment will be like the video our children made, a parading before us of all His acts of love and grace we experienced. . I can only imagine...

    Thank you all for the blessed replies you posted. Time was spent reading and rereading them throughout the day. I love you in Him! Bob

    1. What a moving post Bob! Rejoicing with you and thanking God for your and your loved ones precious life! Praising the Lord for His Faithfulness and Goodness. Be blessed mon ami.

      Blessings from France

    2. Bob, how wonderful that you received and took to heart the love and respect your family and friends have for you. What a breakthrough enlightening gift for you!
      Yes... Just a glimpse 😉✝️

    3. Thanks and Much Love to you Bob.
      Enjoyed the Victory Report you shared, a testimony of our Good and Glorious Loving God, yesterday, today and forevermore.

    4. And thanks for including us in on the enjoyment of your special day! Continued love and happiness being prayed.

    5. Crying tears of joy for you. God is sooo good. I can only imagine.

    6. I too had happy tears in my eyes reading about the happiest day of your life! You are truly surrounded by God’s love, the love of your dear Bride and family and all of us in your JC family. Rest and rejoice in it! It doesn’t get any better than that! Much love and Congratulations!!

    7. I'm so touched by your post! Thank you for sharing your wonderful celebration with your family AND your victory through your root canal with NO PAIN!! Praise the Lord! May your union continue to be blessed for many years to come.
      I really enjoyed your description of meeting Jesus. "I can only imagine..."
      God be with you, Bob, and the JC family.

      Blessings from California

    8. I love your love Bob! You and your wonderful Wife have such a true and lasting love, and you're surrounded by the love of God and your beautiful family. God has richly blessed you. This makes me smile because you always bless us.

    9. Bob, we have all been richly blessed by what you shared with us from your Anniversary. God Blessed you and yours! I like the idea of a new perspective of what may be paraded in front of us that you mentioned.
      Love in Christ to you and yours.. Kathy

  23. Thank you Jesus for all You do in my life. Everything. I give thanks for You being supreme Lord over my life.Thank you for all that You set in my path even though I may not understand it at the time. You are all loving and forgiving and that I need most of all, Thank you. Finally, thanks for the trials and tribulations as they mold and test me into becoming the faithful servant You want me to be. Youy are all deserving of my praise, honor, and worship.

    1. Amen! "Thankful for the trials and tribulations!"

    2. Trials and tribulations uncover His blessings in disguise!
      Thank God for God! Amen.

    3. Perfectly worded Brie! Love that.

  24. Thank you, Father God, for a new day, a new opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start anew. Thank you, Father God, for Your forgiveness. Thank you, Lord, for being my Rock on which I can firmly plant my feet. Thank you for answered prayer in the form of changing me and the way I look at situations. Changing my perspective is a blessing, and I'm thankful that You are changing me to be more like You. I deliver all that I am to You, Father God. Take me. Use me. Mold me. Thank you, Jesus, for holding my hand, day by day, and never leaving nor forsaking me. There have also been times when You've carried me through many many storms. I'm grateful. I'm thankful. I'm humbled by Your love mercy and grace. Thank You, Jesus, for being my Healer, Redeemer, Lord and Savior. I trust in You, and You alone. Bless all those here in this JC family. You know their needs and desires, Father God. Be with each one of them today, and help us to see the many blessings and treasures You have prepared for us. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    1. Thank You Jesus. Along with Rose, we certainly appreciate all You do for us all the time!

    2. Amen Rose! Beautiful prayer! God be with you!

      Blessings from France

    3. Praying your beautiful prayer with you dear Rose! Amen and thank you. God mold me and make me more pleasing to you always.

    4. I received your prayer 🌹 Rose. May it return to you pressed down & running over. Thank you.

    5. Joining you dear Rose in that lovely prayer of Thanksgiving to Him who is the Bringer of all blessings. Thanks for your prayers dear one. Praying you will be led to all the desires of your beautiful heart.

  25. Such blessings to behold, Dear Bob! From 7 AM until just now, I've gone back to this page and read and re-read the many blessings, words of praise, honest words of concern and requests, but ALWAYS, thanksgiving, trust; sometimes pleading and yes, moaning, but always with a heart to give thanks to Our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    What a blessed bunch we are, JC Family. All of your prayers are mine and I will share more when time allows on how God has continued to bless my heart, even when sometimes in doubt, on my part. Love to all of you...

    1. Love to you and yours, Norah, and our entire JC Family, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    2. Dear Norah! You bless me so much too. I thank God for you. Praying for you and your family. We hold each other up here. Surely the presence of the LORD is in this place.

    3. Yes dear Norah! We are indeed a blessed bunch.
      I've had you on my mind. I'm praying your DH is doing well. Wondered how Chuck's hearing is. Did the surgery bring his hearing back? How is he doing? Keeping you all in my prayers. Much love.

  26. Then his wife said to him, "Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!" But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips. (Job 2:9-10). though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. (Hebrews 5:8). Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

    Father, thank You for always being with us through everything we endure -- the good, bad, and ordinary. For with You and through You, anything is possible. You didn't promise us a trouble free life, but You promise to walk with us through it all. You will hold our hand, comfort us, and guide us as we endure our daily walk with You. Some days will be better than others, but they will all be days spent with You. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always and continually. You are our saving grace daily. Problems bring opportunities, increase our spiritual maturity, prove integrity, bring dependency, and prepare our hearts to help others. You will not give us more than we can handle and You will not forsake or leave us. Thank You for always being with us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. I, too, Janet, join you in your perfectly said prayer! Thank you! I have been rereading Job and it has helped so much. You stated, "Problems bring opportunities, increase our spiritual maturity, prove integrity, bring dependency, and prepare our hearts to help others" SO, SO true! While going through this valley with my now estranged extended family, I find comforting and encouraging others so very therapeutic. It gives me purpose vs wallowing. Really love your prayer, Janet. May you feel God bringing you through your adversities and feel His hand in yours as you walk with Him. Continuing to pray for you and all in this awesome JC family. In Jesus' GREAT name, Amen.

    2. Amen - I loved your prayer too!

  27. Dear Janet! Amen and Amen! Joining you in that wonderful prayer. Trusting in His faithfulness in your life dear sister. He will never give you more than you can bear and He will always walk you through any trial or tribulation. The suffering He allows prepares you to help others in similar circumstances because you really understand their pain. Rest in Him and in His peace, and lean on His promises. Sending a big hug. Thanks for filling me. :)

  28. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
    He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
    He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake.
    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
    You prepare a table before mein the presence of my enemies;
    You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23).

    Loving Father, I thank You this morning for being my loving Shepherd, my Refuge and Strength at all times. As I seek You, I find peace and rest and ALL that I stand in need of. Thank You for a brand new day to enjoy the many gifts You've stored in it for me. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I love you Maplewood. I am so at home in Psalm 23. It is a well of comfort to me. Joining in on your perfect prayer! Amen

  29. Dear Kathy, continuing prayers for comfort. I mistakenly placed my post for you yesterday. We love you & will keep you in prayer. Be comforted, be blessed.💕

    1. I found it sweet, dear Jan Gridley. Thank you and I cherish it. God Bless you!

  30. Beautifully stated Jeanne and Janet: Thank you through his love. My update on my dear friend Margi: When she fell this time it broke a couple of her discs in her neck, so she is in a neck brace, and is awaiting surgery. My heart goes out to her, because she has suffered greatly in her many ups and downs with health. She is an inspiration to many, as she also is a prayer warrior, gift of sharing his word, and loving others. Her advocacy for especially speaking out for others when they cannot has always resonated with me. I'd like to share one very special occasion: Dennis is a very special man in his early 60s, who has spent over 15 years in a home with ms. Over the last year a new group of nurses/ caregivers did not treat him with respect, dignity, or love of humanity. He was put on hospice with him stuck in a dark room, ignored, and the curtains drawn. Margi insisted on going to his room and asking to visit...A short reply of, "Alright, but it won't do any good!" On one of her daily visits she had a few pictures taken of them both, and also called me with him listening: He loved my dogs, Sampson and Massie who I sent pictures for him. He was laughing with joy! In the past 6 months, him and Margi have been moved to a sister home, we both of made scrapbook pages for his room, and although bedridden, is again treated with love and dignity. But it all started with God working through our Margi. Please continue to pray for her, and her journey. Thank you, in His love, Amen��

    1. So AWESOME. Thank you for sharing this story, ButterflyLove! Margi, like Jesus, looked for and sought after caring for Dennis who was discarded and abandoned. Just wow. What an incredible human she is! This world needs to be filled with Margies. I will continue praying for healing for Margi. Cervical surgery is no fun. (experienced this myself). Praying for her medical team and her recovery knowing Jehovah Rapha is directing and guiding...overseeing it all! Thanks, again, for sharing a bit of Margi with us, ButterflyLove! Peace and love to you as well, in Jesus' name, amen!

    2. What a heart of Christian love, compassion and kindness Margi possesses. A very rare and sweet person. When someone says: "Alright, but it won't do any good!", you can be sure they are leaving out the most important ONE. With God, ALL things are possible. You are a lovely sister too dear ButterflyLove. Praying for our Miracle Maker to heal dear Margi. She is such a faithful servant and beloved daughter of the Most High. She was the Light of Christ that brought Dennis out of his darkness, and surrounded him with love and dignity! Father, We thank You for healing every weakness in Margi and mending the broken discs in her neck, and carrying her safely through a successful surgery so she can continue to glorify you with her acts of selfless kindness and mercy in the Name of Christ Jesus. We trust YOU!
      Amen NJS, He is directing everything and Margi is in the Best of Hands.

  31. Some of Dennis and Margi's caregivers, and a great social worker are a good fit for them both at their new home.

  32. Sweet sorry about Margi and Dennis. Thank you for sharing their kindness and GOD'S outcome. Prayers for all today, SONday where the smokey skies can never hide His light. ✝️♥️

  33. Thanks for the prayers sweet Audra! <3 God bless your bright new day.

  34. I love today's devotion. Especially this: Make Me your Refuge by pouring out your heart to Me, trusting in Me at all times.
    I sure do pour my heart out to Him. He knows every word in my heart. Have a blessed day dear family in His Presence. Trust Him with every fiber of your being. He has prepared today and He already holds your tomorrow. Be not afraid. He knows what's around every bend in your road ahead. May He flood your path with His sweet light today and bring you peace, healing, rest and restoration. Thank You Jesus.
    Matthew 11:28-30 - Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

  35. Heavenly Father, wrap Your loving, everlasting arms around me as I cling to You in childlike dependence and adoration. You are my strength, my song and my refuge Lord. I am nothing without You. Thank You Jesus for being my saving grace and eternal salvation. You are the lamb of God Almighty. No one compares to You. I praise You Lord always and I can't thank You enough or be deserving of anything. Yet, You give me everything. Please keep me tethered tightly to You as we walk, hand in hand, rejoicing in Your perfect creation. Thank You daddy! I love You!

    1. So good Janet! Your prayer is MY prayer. Thank you dear Jesus for your guidance and protection and opportunities to encourage me to be more dependent on you always! Amen.

  36. Amen dear Janet!! We are tethered to the Lord and to Heaven. We must remind ourselves that we abide in Him as He abides in us. He is the greatest part of us. Sending love. Praying always for you. good sister.

  37. Posting this from yesterday :)

    We're on our way to a check up for my son. Not sure if you remember what he went through over the years about a broken femur from a tumor and complications with osteomyelitis from that. Praying for a good report today. 🙏 lord willing, if all is well, we plan to head to myrtle beach tomorrow! We haven't been in 8 years, since my youngest was a baby <3 hope everyone is doing so well and enjoying this piece of life 💜

    Will update you all. :)

    1. I have been lifting up your situation to The Throne of Grace, in Jesus' name. I speak Life and Blessings into your son's circumstances and into your family. My Papa God, watches over His WORD to Perform it.

    2. Joining in prayers for your son. May our heavenly Father speak a good report over him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Enjoy your family time! God bless!

    3. Praying for a good report and some enjoyable downtime/family time at the beach.

      SC Anonymous

    4. Joining the JC family in prayer for a good report for Free as can B- god bless you all❤️🙏

    5. Joining warriors in prayer for your son. Lord we ask, seek, knock at the door of Your heart for a good report & some R&R for this family. 💞🙏🌈

    6. Hopping on this awesome prayer train for your son, FACB, knowing Jehovah Rapha has answered your prayers! He is our Healer and Waymaker! Here's to that good report you receive and for a fun, relaxing time at Myrtle Beach with your family!

    7. Praying you and yours through good news and joy at the beach, free as can b!

    8. In Jesus name we declare only good news and peaceful rest for your family FACB ♥️🙏✝️

    9. Been so busy with my grandsons today! I’m blessed to have them with us till tomorrow. No time to breathe but I have had time to pray and thank the Lord and praise His Name. You and your dear son have remained in my prayers and will remain there! Trusting in the Lord for a good report. Leaning in His faithfulness.

  38. My Papa God, right now I DECLARE
    that this JCFAMILY knows the power of words that they speak; that their words have creative power in them. I pray that the words they are saying are word that You need them to speak, and those words will turn their life's circumstances, trials and tests into testimonies that bring You great praise. Those words are Spirit and they are Life! So, Papa God, this day I DECLARE they choose Life. This day, Papa God, they choose Blessing. This day they choose to Believe You more than their enemies. They choose to Believe You more than what the news says. If it is contrary to Your WORD, Papa God, they WILL NOT believe it! Thank You for Your WORD to abide by, to live by that it is Spirit, it is Life, it is Health and Healing to all their flesh. So no matter what is going on in their bodies today, I Proclaim Healing in their life. I Proclaim Blessing in their life. I Proclaim Abundance, Increase, Flourishing, and More Than Enough in their life. Papa God, I thank You that You are shutting the doors that need to be shut, and opening the doors that need to be opened in changing the course of their lives with You! I thank You for all of it in Jesus' name, Who Makes A Way when there doesn't seem to be a way! AMEN and AMEN.
    Great Love and Blessings to my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS! JJ

    Psalm 37:4-5. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust him, and he will act"

    1. Thank you JJ and god bless you!!🙏❤️

    2. AMEN is right, Jan! Receiving this most awesome prayer, JJ, and much love and blessings back to you!

    3. Yes! JJ. Through you, God provided the exact corrective lens I need to clearly improve my focus today. Thanks for reminding me to sing, COUNTING EVERY BLESSING by Rend Collective!

    4. Richocheting your prayers and all the blessings they provide back to you, JJ, and to our entire JC Fam of awesome Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. Beautiful truth dear JJ. Amen and Amen. I pray God’s discerning Spirit will guard my words, thoughts and actions so I may bring Him glory. Love that verse and prayer!!! You feed me well.

  39. Fast forwarding to 2023 because like many other posts, this one is also replay worthy:
    UnknownAugust 16, 2018 at 12:55 AM
    For months and months, God's simple instruction to me was trust Him and pray. (Psalm 62:8 "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us."). So, I did. Hesitantly, slowly, intermittently, I poured out my heart. The content of my prayers were 99% complaints and moanings. As I would learn later, a lot of what I said hurt His heart to hear, but, by His love and grace, He continued to listen as I continued to trust Him and pray.
    One day, he led me to dig deeper into the Greek translation of 1 Thes 5:18. What I learned from it was that "in everything give thanks" could also read "acknowledge that God's grace works well in every part of the whole of my life." As I started thanking him in a new season of trusting him, I started to recognize that acknowledging my gratitude to God for the things that he has done, is acknowledging my dependence on God for the things that he has done. When I thank him, and praise him, I'm acknowledging his higher authority in my life. Thanking him simply requires that I trust that what he has done is good. That trust opens my heart to his peace and his peace keeps me from concerning myself with the things that are out of my control.

    All that to say that he commands us to enter his presence with thanksgiving, even if we enter his presence feeling like we are living in hell and nothing goes right. We should still enter his presence with thanksgiving even if we enter his presence pouring out nothing but complaints and moans in regards to our life. We should still enter his presence with thanksgiving even if we feel like he has totally abandoned us. There is a peace that comes only from pouring out our thanks to God and acknowledging his higher authority in our life.
    Thank him for everything. Acknowledge that his grace works well, even with the negative thoughts.
    And in offering him your gratitude and appreciation for what he has done, even the negative thoughts and living hell, you give him those situations to redeem for your good and His glory. Thank him for those things, because he's not going to remove those things from your life if his redemptive plan is for such things to bring you to his throne of grace, and to create in you the holiness that he desires for your life.

    1. Amen good sister! There is always a reason to thank Him even in the darkest hour and greatest trial. He allows the hard times to strengthen our trust in Him. Faith is believing what you cannot see. Today with our two little grandsons, I felt a bit like a referee and when the baby dropped Rick’s prized pepper grinder on the floor which shattered and dropped glass and peppercorns all over the floor, I grabbed the baby and put him in his bed and I called out to Jesus and told Him loudly that I know He is with me and He will make all things right again. Gabriel saw His peace wash over me as I cleaned up the mess and praised His holy Name. All was well and I was grateful. Praying for you and your family and Audra and so many more. God hears our prayers and answers them in His own way which is the right way.

  40. Please pray for me I’ve been a believer for a long time. Health has been difficult and anxiety has become a battle I can’t understand. Thank you and God bless you all.

    1. Praying for you now Anonymous and prayers will continue. In the meantime, I know there's going to be some
      BRIGHTER DAYS by Blessing Offor

    2. Joining dear Brie and all our family here in prayer for you dear Anonymous. God is our greatest Help and He knows exactly how you feel. Don’t get discouraged because you haven’t seen answers to your prayers. He is with you always and He works behind the scenes to make things better. Wait on the Lord and trust His Word. .

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding;
      In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall [a]direct your paths.

  41. Thanks Peter. Your verses lifted my weary heart! God bless you always.

  42. Thank You Father God for surrounding dear Anonymous with perfect peace and guide your child to a Church and loving brothers and sisters who worship You in spirit and truth, with hearts of sincere faith, praise, thanksgiving and love. Protect Anonymous from harm, guide her to a safe refuge and true rest, and and bless and guide your trusting child to all you are already preparing for her. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    Proverbs 19:23
    The fear of the LORD leads to life, So that one may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.

  43. Praying for you anonymous 🙏🏻🙏🏻 I have taken such a leap of faith and quit my job I was at for 20 yrs without another one lined up. I want to be in God’s will. He is showing me so many miracles through this adversity as it can feel like a punishment ~ I wasn’t strong enough to persevere-to endure a few more yrs. I don’t really want to retire yet but the pressures of the job have given me severe burnout through out the yrs. It is so sad as I love working in the medical field. The unsurmountable documentation, deadlines, so much that takes away from client care and they become a number and I can’t compromise client care. So much computer work, instant messages constantly, emails. I feel my neuro plasticity is really being affected. I please ask from all you amazing praying warriors that I cling to Jesus and to not look to the left or the right. Keep my eyes fixed on HIM and HIM alone if I should take some time off, jump into job search, interviewing or retire. I am single but my dear Heavenly Father has been my husband all these yrs. hE does not want me fearful at all! Thank you all so much for your joyous walk and love for our precious Lord.

    1. Thank you for your service and May you continually experience God's blessings in your life, Katie. I understand everything you stated, as my daughter and son in love are both in the Medical Profession and they both served on the COVID frontlines. God is an amazing healer. I am continuing in prayer for all those Helping Hands through whom His Healing comes. On behalf of all of you, I am singing THE PRAYER,
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Father we ask for your protection over all health care professionals and all your precious creation around the globe from this horrible covid new strain called "Eris" that is currently spiking again. We ask for your truth and guidance thru the power of the Holy Spirit on how to protect ourselves when we go out in public. In Jesus name amen.

    3. Father we stand in agreement that you are protecting Katie in her financially as she seeks your son's face dear Jesus and that you are leading her to her next assignment lining up with your timing in Jesus name amen.

  44. Thank you Lord for being there at ALL times, thick and thin. Thank you for being my Lord of Lords, my King of Kings and the GREATEST Power in the Universe!!! I don’t need anything special today but to thank you for who and what you are. Please have your Holy Spirit watch over me today and consume my thoughts with what you want me to think and say ask move through world for your purpose. Thank you for your Blessings for things I don’t deserve and for your Mercy for things I do deserve. Thank you for this and every day you give me on this earth in preparation for what is to come, I pray this in your wonderful Holy name, Amen 🕊️

    1. Joining in prayer Anonymous. Thank you for sharing your heart. 🙌🙏❤️

    2. Beautiful! So well said! Amén!

    3. Beautiful prayer, praying it over my life as well. Amen, Lord ❤️

    4. Dear Anonymous, Amen and Amen! Such a beautiful prayer.

  45. Dear JJ, your post yesterday declaring that something good was going to happen to me that day was right on I received a phone call from a friend who eased my troubled mind & circumstances. It was straight from the Savior's heart, then she prayed for me. I marvel at how our God moves using His saints to tend to our needs. Thank you JJ & JC family for being used of God! Love you all much❤️🙌🙏

    1. What a blessing dear Jan. So happy and thankful you got that call from a friend and an answer to JJ’s prayer. Our Lord and Savior provides comfort and refreshment for our weary and troubled hearts.

  46. Outside last night hoping to see shooting stars or the Aurora/Northern Lights, I just stood amazed at all the stars I could see; even with light pollution in the distance.
    From stars to the small bright blue butterfly that just fluttered past and everything in-between He truly is "the God of all time and all that is."
    He doesn't keep office hours, His door is always open, always inviting us to fellowship with Him. An ever listening ear and an ever open heart.

    1. Thank you! He’s everything to me 🙏🏻

    2. Listening now, Dear Peter! Lovely!

    3. Thanks dear Peter! I’m a sky watcher too. I remember the skies filled with stars over Colorado. Gazing up at the majesty and profound beauty always makes me feel close to God and Heaven. Thanks for sharing your heart and the nice song!
      Amen dear Websister! He’s my Everything too!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Good morning JC Warriors. Asking for prayers as we move our younger son to college today. Our older one goes back today as well. Thankful they will be at the same school, but letting the younger “leave the nest” is difficult and sad. I know God has them and will protect them.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Praying for your sons, so glad they will be at the same school. Praying for your younger son as he makes this transition in life, May God’s covering, protection and blessing be upon him.
      Praying for you and your husband as you begin this new chapter in your lives, may you have peace and faith in God to take care of these precious sons during this school year.

    2. Dear SC, I remember how much I cried when my youngest went off to college. My heart was hurting and God understood. Trust in the Lord to protect your dear son from harm, to guide him to work hard, to find the right friends, and to stay on the right road. I’m sure his older brother will help him get settled in and watch over him. The best is yet to come.
      Father God, Thank You for all this and for giving our dear SC and her husband peace of mind, comfort and joy as they adjust to their empty nest in Jesus’ Name. Amen

      Romans 8:28
      And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

  49. Beautiful, Peter and Anonymous! Thank you for your posts. I'm on the early morning watch ( for me anyway on Pacific time). There is much on my mind to pray for yet FIRST, gratitude. Thank you Father, for all the blessings and freedom in my life. You are a good, good Father. Rather than rambling on about concerns and challenges for myself and others, I ask my JC Calling prayer warriors to join me in declaration dismissing all evil attempts to separate us from the truth of our JUST, ALL KNOWING, LOVING GOD WHO HAS A PLAN FOR US . I ask for clarity, peace of mind, complete trust in perfect outcomes and guidance today, and everyday. Your will, not mine, on earth as it is in Heaven. Thank you Jesus! ✝️♥️🙏

    1. Joining in prayer with and for you, Audra

    2. Joining in prayer as well. Praising Jesus and thanking Him for everything- even the mundane - keeps our focus on Him and not our worries.
      SC Anonymous

  50. Joining you Audra and praying for all the JC family! Much on my mind as well with aging parents, my daughter’s illness (praying she gets in with the new specialist asap), and my own battle with anxiety/depression. Yet, there is still that gratitude for so many blessings, and for things we don’t have. Amen. Praise Jesus!

    Sharing this prayer from my Bible Chat devotional. Praying it will help calm any of your worries, fear or anxiety in your life right now.

    Heavenly Father, I come before You today carrying the weight of anxiety in my heart. You know the struggles that cloud my mind and the unease that stifles my peace. Lord, Your Word tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, to present our requests to You.

    Grant me the peace that transcends understanding, and guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Help me to cast all my anxieties on You because You care for me. In the quiet moments, remind me of Your never-ending presence and Your promise to never leave me nor forsake me.

    Thank You for Your unwavering presence in our lives. In moments of fear and doubt, help us to remember Your promise to not fear, for You are with us. Strengthen our hearts and bolster our faith as we navigate through the challenges of life. May we always feel the firm grip of Your righteous right hand as we place our trust in You. Amen.

    Shalom 🙏

    1. Rich C, thank you for sharing that prayer. I needed to see it this morning (8/16). We dropped off youngest at college yesterday. This mom’s heart is heavy this morning. I am saving that prayer. Many thanks.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Thank you for these beautiful words. Your prayer is my prayer. God bless you.

  51. Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family! Sassy Mom, I was excited to see your name and then you disappeared! I miss you. I pray for you every day and trust the Lord is keeping you well. Like you, Audra, Peter, Rich - all (who I may have missed! So sorry!); all of you - I pray for a peaceful night's sleep. For calmness in our hearts, our homes, our Country. Heading to bed a sleepy woman of God loving all of hers and prayers for all of you and yours.
